Ruger Hawkeye .256

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Dec 30, 1999
I'm certainly not current with them but I'm thinking that prob isn't a bad deal if it's in decent shape.
HAWKEYE was QUICK on the HAWKEYE--hope it turns out good for you & DonD, you are very considerate to post this find 8) 8) man this is a great forum :D
BlkHawk73":34mnjaob said:
I'm certainly not current with them but I'm thinking that prob isn't a bad deal if it's in decent shape.
Heck no it's not! Saw a 10" .44 FT for sale a couple months ago locally that was far from "pristine" going for $900.....FWIW, Dennis
:D :D SN 180X; has wear on left of barrel, muzzle back some distance; light trigger; decent grip panels; comes with dies, brass, and
some loads. Locked it in and paid for it. Will ship C&R early next week. No haggle consignment gun. Oh, almost forgot: NO EXTRA holes for scope mt, only the two factory holes at top rear of barrel. Will be a good shooter, as described.
Thanks, once again, for the lead and prompt response to my email queries, Don.
DonD --what I meant was--- you were nice to tell others of the gun 8) I took it that you were not interested in buying gun, but you were nice to tell others about the gun & where it could be located A lot of folks just will not take time to make A posting about A gun for sale, GOOD FOR YOU :)
Dang....wish I had the dinero, I'd LOVE to have one! I wonder if the whole concept was too far ahead of it's time? (Plus the difficulty some had with reloading the .256 cartridge) Maybe a limited run again someday?...."Dennis the varmiter" :wink:
:D Hawkeye arrived :) , plus set of RCBS period dies, 115 fired brass, 35 loads, and 40-50 bullets. Light hammer/trigger combo, finish wear on left muzzle back3-4"(variable), a bit of high edge wear, alloy EH(wear at tip) plain rear sight, no extra D/T holes, orginal screws in factory D/T holes on rear of barrel. Looks like someone's old time favorite. Brass needs cleaning, probably never was cleaned, no corrrosion, just dirty. Shipping included in sale price. Happy with the referral and the pkg. Don, once again, My Sincere Thanks for the lead and information. Package on the way to you. :wink: MIKE
Oh, my, Mike, we do need to get you trained in "digital photography on the internet".

I, and I ain't alone here, sure would like to see a few of the "Hawkeye Girls" in all their glory.


DonD you had a BIG part in this :) no posting on your part :!: who knows where it would have gone :? we have two happy forum members :D this is why I like this forum--- Ruger folks helping Ruger folks 8)
DonD I think you made alot of people here happy because of your passing on of this info. This forum has the best people of the gun world on it and they are more than willing to share information. I'm like you were, I have never seen anything other pictures of a Hawkeye. The old saying of "what goes around, comes around" comes to mind and I hope someone here will reciprocate and help you find a Ruger you are looking for.
Thanks for the heads-up to fellow members.

Let me say this :) I do have ptsd try not to let it get best of me & this Ruger Forum with the people on it has been a great outlet for me :D I like to see deals go good for ruger fans been one since 1966, when I got a NIB super single six in a HARDWARE store :!: near downtown Huntsville Al. man what A good shooter :D started collecting in 1990's Hawkeye-28 sure sold me a nice single six & I was glad to see him get the Hawkeye :!: :!:
I had one that was new in the box back in the early 70s. I fell in love with the .256 cartridge and had a martini built up in it and also a contender barrel in it, I sold the hawkeye at a huge profit for a divorice in the mid 80s. Its a ear ringer, but flat shooting.
Pictures??? You want pictures??? Ok, here's some pictures. This gun is part of an estate I had the pleasure of inventorying two years ago. 4 digit serial number 1xxx. It has a plain yellow Ruger box with no documents. It has been fired and the bluing has some of the famed purple streaks. Someday it will be for sale, but at the moment the kids are trying to decide which of the heirloom guns (and there are several, this not being one) each is going to get. Until then....
