Ruger FT .41 magnum new

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Proportionately this is a much better fit for the 41. Sort of like a shotgun in 20 ga. that's on it's own frame size. Few 20 gauges on 12 ga. frames sold well.
Maybe the shade tree analogy of why I never warmed up to a 41 in the past.
I am referring to the force applied to the top strap which I believe is the point of concern for the mid-frame guns. Rearward force applied to the gun by the cartridge face is less in the 41 mag compared to the 44 mag operating at the same pressure. Otherwise a 357 operating at the same pressure would cause the same concern.
It's likely all down to cylinder wall thickness as far as this discussion goes. Chambers usually blow first, & if more catastrophic, the top strap lets go when additional chambers ignite as well. That's where the real frame stress is.
While posting a pic just for fun I happened to notice the New Model flat top has a thicker top strap than the Old Models did, so thinking a top strap strength concern isn't valid as the O.M. flat top was offered in 44 magnum. What was Ruger thinking on this? When compared sxs the the thicker strap hurts aesthetics & requires a taller front sight, which IMO hurt the looks of the gun even more.

NM 357 & 44 Special vs. OM 44 mags.
I have the Flattop offered several years ago from Williams Shooters Supply, may have to look at a Bisley now.
Will go good with some of my other Flattops.


.44 Mag.jpg


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Yes to more Flattops! I'm a 44 Special fanboy and not really interested in 41 Magnum. But happy for you gents who dig the 41 Magnum and can now get themselves one on the midframe Flattop.
I don't believe Ruger would put out a gun unsafe in its intended chambering. What we do not know is what the "safety factor" is that's applied to the design specs, and if that has been revisited in this new offering. Folks have been trying to blow up Ruger single-actions for years with very limited success, and that's on their shoulders, not Ruger's.

The .41 mag in the midframe is interesting and should sell well. It will deliver performance comparable to the .44 mag in many of that round's lighter bullet loadings. ;)
I like anything with a Bisley grip, and a caliber which starts in 4! :)

Just got back from ordering one at my local shop. He spoke to his rep at Lipseys, and got the only stainless one available. I assume that is in this reps district. The rep also told him that there had only been one blued model produced, the one used in the video.

I much prefer blue to stainless finish, so I told him to get me one if/when they are available. Hopefully they are in production already.
Groo here
Crap, years ago I had Andy Horvath make me a 41 out of a Ruger New Vaquero Bisley 357 round top with notch sight.
6 shot , 5 1/4inch, and milled in S&W adj rear sight [old school],,, no problem.
Andy said the top strap blows due to the cylinder letting go not the other way around..
Also the "New Vaquero" cylinder is not that much smaller than a Blackhawk 44mag and with the smaller case of the 41
there is plenty of steel to hold the pressure.
I have & have had more Bisley's both converted & store bought, but In my bizzarro world my favorite 44 is a 5.5" stainless Super with the steel grip frame & ejector rod housing changed to aluminum. Now the super weighs within an once of a similar fitted 5.5" 45 Colt/ACP.

This^ treatment on the smaller frame FT 41 would be neat as hell IMO.

As far as the shorter cylinder? Go to Accurate molds & peruse the catalog if ya want to feel like a kid in a candy store. Short nose, heavy bullet mold designs are abundant.
In my case I'm good with .41's but if the stainless were a full size I'd have gone for it.

They're already showing up on gun broker:

They already did it in a "full size" and the predominant comments were "why isn't it a mid frame"? Just can't please everyone 🤪

For sure! I'd like an Alaskan (no scope mount) with a 4-5" barrel, and a full size stainless Ruger .41. I wanted a stainless Bisley 45 way before they made a stainless Bisley so hope is always an option.
Groo here

Andy said the top strap blows due to the cylinder letting go not the other way around..
Also the "New Vaquero" cylinder is not that much smaller than a Blackhawk 44mag and with the smaller case of the 41
there is plenty of steel to hold the pressure.
Per Hamilton Bowen in "Custom Revolver" commenting on the 41 mag in the mid frame
WOW! This thread throws me for a loop. The only .41s that I have ever seen were antiques - A navy revolver and 2 old Derringers, and neither were magnum if I recall correctly. I knew they were still made, but I never hear about them and didn't know they were this popular. I will have to learn more!
Currently out of stoke but the rep has one for my dealer with my name on it to come sometime in the future, I've got the large frame 41 flattops in 6 1/2 but need one of the 4 5/8s. Would even consider trading one my old models or flattops for one of there is one out there somewhere.

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