Ruger factory stag grips

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Dec 5, 2002
Idaho falls, ID

I am on the hunt for 2 or 3 factory Ruger Stag grips. I will be in Tulsa for the ROCS show next week if anyone is going and have some you're willing to let go of, we can complete the transaction while there.

Please PM me if you have them or know where I can find some. I have already tried the usual suspects and still looking for 2-3 more.

It can be hard but there are certain things that you look for to help determine factory or not. There are definitely some good counterfeits out there but not in the large numbers like you see with the Ivory panels. Pictured below is the addendum to Dougan's book that was mistakenly left out of production that he was kind enough to provide me. There were only 609 Ivory panels made while there were over 6700 stag panels produced. The money was in counterfeiting the ivory panels.

just proves what we have always said over the years, especially after seeing a display once at Tulsa that everygun had stag and ivory grips and we had noted that Ruger never made that many , way , way more have been made ,aftermarket, than Ruger ever had made, and yes we knew from way back when there were at least a couple of 'folks' that were faking them and two of them had it down pat, the hardest part is to come up with the proper vintage ( and by that I mean color and texture of the stag) gotta remember they used to sell stag and ivory grips out of the back of the comic books, I believe most came from New Jersey?? caveat emptor baby....... :rolleyes:
and it just not only where they came from ,but who they came from, everyone I know has a different opinion as to just what is "right" , wrong is always obvious BUT some of the early ones are NOT in the 'parameter's of what is widely accepted,,,Splits and I have had some long, deep talks about this......wish we had pictures :cool::rolleyes:
The only way is t have a trusted collector here on the forum release a set or two from his hidden stash...

The only way they would know for sure , is if they purchased the gun themselves, from Ruger with the grips.
Then again , you are taking their word for it.
The next guy down the road has to take your word for it.
I am not saying anyone here is dishonest.
I just don't know how anyone can prove a set of stag grips are actually from the Ruger factory.
J2 , that would be fine, ut still one never knows , we bought a pair many years ago from one of the "leaders" of Ruger collecting at an early 1990sNRA convention, setting up the Ruger display for the show, good price, nice grips, got them for my wife, but she soon sold them to our late friend Don W , known as the "old goat", he tried to get a verification note or letter from this "leader" and he refused Dons request,,,,as often said, buy the gun (item, in this case) not the story........the caveat with this all too often, is because it belongs to so, and so, it MUST be right and often, thusly it costs MORE money, so it must be right...........the vast majority of grips stag and ivory we got over the years since the late 1970s came on guns, at little or no "extra" price, and I cannot recall buying any at market or retail price, we just did not want or need them, as my wife was happy with the ones she got,...over time,MOSTLY due to her setting up displays at Ruger theme shows, getting into discussions with other collectors and helping visitors, viewers of the Ruger displays with any and ALL questions......:cool:

Good luck TW with your search, sorry to ramble on........(y);)
It can be hard but there are certain things that you look for to help determine factory or not. There are definitely some good counterfeits out there but not in the large numbers like you see with the Ivory panels. Pictured below is the addendum to Dougan's book that was mistakenly left out of production that he was kind enough to provide me. There were only 609 Ivory panels made while there were over 6700 stag panels produced. The money was in counterfeiting the ivory panels.

Troy, thanks for posting that page. I've copied it out for my records. 😁 😁 😁
Interesting none in '59...makes me happier about my '60 .44 / 10" that has them...statistically more likely they are "real"..that and it is a two owner gun..all be it a shooter.
It can be hard but there are certain things that you look for to help determine factory or not. There are definitely some good counterfeits out there but not in the large numbers like you see with the Ivory panels. Pictured below is the addendum to Dougan's book that was mistakenly left out of production that he was kind enough to provide me. There were only 609 Ivory panels made while there were over 6700 stag panels produced. The money was in counterfeiting the ivory panels.

View attachment 57546

Very cool addendum. Thanks for posting. Like Ale, I saved it!
I've brought this up before elsewhere.
In my opinion, the fact that there were four different manufacturers, it would not be possible for all of them to make them exactly the same. Add in that they were made over a six year period, and the variables are multiplied.
I have heard there were some good counterfitters back in the day, so all that being said, I'm kinda on the fence with busterswoodshop, kinda hard to tell.
Of course, all the sets I HAVE are genuine!! 😁 😁

I didn't realize the addendum was going to a big conversation. I started another thread in Collecting that has all four pages of the addendum attached as a PDF file.
When I was working with Bob C. on The List this subject came up more than once. Names were mentioned. And Bob just agreed with Dan: "Buy the gun (grips, whatever) not the story!" :rolleyes:
Just curious.
How will you know they are actually factory Ruger stag grips ?
From everything I have seen or read , there is no way to be sure they are factory.
Lots of info over the years has been shared a search. Us old timers know the difference in a short....think there are at least fifteen pair hiding here...........the result of being an octo man
Lots of info over the years has been shared a search. Us old timers know the difference in a short....think there are at least fifteen pair hiding here...........the result of being an octo man
I was waiting for you to confess.... ;)
There are quite a few more hidden in places like Ca. etc etc etc

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