Well I have acquired about 300 gun boxes from a Texas gun shop that went out of business in the early 80's. There are prob at least 100 to 150 revolver boxes. All revolver boxes are RUGER, SMITH & WESSON, or COLT. Some of the Ruger boxes are still in the shipping sleeve and the yellow box on the inside looks has all paler work and looks new. Lots of the S&W boxes are the two piece some are solid blue and some are darker with silver trim. Most all of the boxes have ALL paper work . I think all of the one piece boxes have paper work, insert, cleaning kit. There are not many colt boxes. There are also 100 to 150 long gun boxes. Browning (some are Belgium boxes), Remington, Winchester and Ruger rifle boxes. I need to know if anyone knows where I can find research info. I am going to sell them all but know very little about them. I have looked on gun Broker gut it did not help me much. I think I might have some boxes that might make some collectors very happy so any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks