Ruger Bisley flat top

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Jul 4, 2023
I've seen a few SS Flattops online with a 2 digit prefix in the serial number. I thought all of the new flat top Blackhawks had a 3 digit serial number prefix?
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I haven't been following the newest Flattops,, but it wouldn't surprise me to see that. As we like to lament; "Welcome to the confusion of Ruger's serial numbering system!"
Maybe just another reason I prefer the Old Models so much,,,,,!
Well, right you are. When I first saw them I thought it was gonna be JT for the commemorative but magnified it & it's 21, a prefix that I don't think has ever been used. But different, like contender says, welcome to the confusion.
Are you sure they are flattops ?


There have been some 41 Bisley Blackhawks show up on GB and miss identified as flattops, when in fact they are actually just a Bisley Blackhawks. There is a difference.

Both are 41's,
top gun a Bisley Blackhawk, (2003)
bottom gun the new Bisley Blackhawk Flattop. (2024)

Well that SN# has had the 5 clipped of the front prefix AND the last # of the post prefix.


Good photo chop, at best.

Flattops started with 520 prefix and there currently 521 for the medium frames.

INTERESTING OBSERVATION; Go to the SN# look up, enter 521-41450-41459 they were all 44 specials (Model 05249) shipped in 2017 AND THE SOURCE OF THE PHOTO CHOP PICTURE…😳😎
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G2 has a good point. When I saw the picture,, I immediately noticed the missing 5th number after the prefix. And it makes perfect sense that someone photoshopped the 5 out of the prefix as well.

We'll have to wait & see what the serial number range of the new FT's are.
After thinking on it a bit,, AND seeing the picture,, I realized that the prefix of "21" has already been used by Ruger. The OM Single-Six Convertibles,, from numbers 21-00001 to 21-56105 from 1971 until 1973.

Yep,, scammers!!!!!!!!
Egads you'd think that a "respectable" seller in the top 100 on Gun broker wouldn't need to do that!
Keep in mind that is a "Stock Photo" that Ruger itself photo chopped on thier own website.
I don't think this is a Scammer, I think it's just a seller that borrowed a photo from the Ruger website to represent, this practice happens all the time.

Here is a Screenshot right from the Ruger website.

And the link to it…
Ok,, so I made a mistake on who posted the picture. I rarely study any of the Ruger stock pictures,, because there are so few of the new models that get me excited. And even when they do,, I don't bother studying the serial numbers. My mistake.

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