Ruger Art Studio Engraved my Vaquero Heidi Roos 2007

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Personally speaking, I'd think not. I'm not familiar with either gun.
Let's wait to hear opinions from other folks.


Factory engraving should always worth more of a premium than out-of-factory engraving (Anything commissioned by the Ruger Collectors Association or any other entity is after-factory work). And anyway, bet your factory engraved Vaquero probably cost near twice (or more) what the RCA engraved gun cost originally.
The RCA gun would be no different than an original Colt or Winchester that has engraving on it that can't be authenticated as factory work. The factory engraved Vaquero is a rare prize! I don't think the Ruger studio did very many guns due to expense....but hey, factory engraved is factory engraved, eh? Only 258 people bought Ruger's engraved Single-Six from 1955 to 1958 and look at those today!!!
Don't get me wrong, your engraved RCA Single-Six by Robert Kain is a nice gun and worth the $, but if I had to choose between one or the other, I'd pick the factory engraved gun.
Good Point, Chet15! Even though it's not a "cataloged" Factory Engraved Blackhawk it was engraved at the Factory's Shop!

I'd also agree with Chet, the factory engraving, no matter how simple or extravagant is going to be worth a premium.

I'm having a Single Six engraved right now... well, its been a few months, but its coming right along, I hope to have it back by the beginning of the year.
So is it black or stainless?
Will the engraver engrave something on both cylinders?
What is the overall amount coverage? 25% 50% 75% 90%
Who is the Engraver? How long has he been engraving?
Have you seen any of his previous work? long guns or revolvers or pistols
Did he do a drawing of the project proposal?
Is this going to be a shooter or will it be a gun box heirloom?

My 1st engraved single six engraved 1995. Sack Pederson Grips 2009 ... ips003.jpg ... ips002.jpg ... ips001.jpg
JCCVaquero":32v5ekb5 said:
So is it black or stainless?
Will the engraver engrave something on both cylinders?
What is the overall amount coverage? 25% 50% 75% 90%
Who is the Engraver? How long has he been engraving?
Have you seen any of his previous work? long guns or revolvers or pistols
Did he do a drawing of the project proposal?
Is this going to be a shooter or will it be a gun box heirloom?

Both guns shown in the pic are stainless.
Unfortunately, Ruger's Studio of Art and Engraving is a thing of the past, but I hear that several of Ruger's engravers went to Baron Technologies to work. Baron is who does most of Ruger's custom work these days...namely the selectively gold layer projects you see on items like the 50th Anniversary Bearcat and 50th Anniversary Super Blackhawk.
I'm not sure how the engraving process works right now...if you can still order your gun to be engraved through Ruger who then turns it over to Baron or if Ruger just sends you directly to Baron without the factory intermingling (would be nice if you did this if you could actually get a letter from Ruger saying the Ruger company had something to do with the work, instead of the work only being placed and done through Baron...again, aftermarket customization to me).
All guns are meant to be shot. If you can get Ruger to sanction the engraving work I would be more tempted to put it in a safe, but to each his own.
I.M.O. the engraving on the Vaquero is maybe around 25-30% coverage. The Single-Six higher...maybe 50% or a little better.
As far as I know, all of the engravers that were employed by the Ruger studio were "Masters" or at least nearly so...Very talented people!!! The top engraver at the studio was Paul Lantuch who did many guns for the factory from the 1980's up to just a few years ago.
Ruger used to have a slideshow of engraving examples that the Studio had done while it was in operation. No need to worry about qualitiy of engraving there as all were exquisite!! Just depends how much you want to spend. And yes, the studio engraved anything with the Ruger name on it.
Chet15 ... 007461.jpg

Ruger didn't actually give a letter like my only factory engraved Winchester. What I did get was a return packing list from Heidi Roos to me.

I also recieved green Ruger Studio of Art and Decoration label with my name hand written on it.

The one request I had made when commissioning the work was that the engraver sign and date the work. Not realizing it, the actual result was that Factory documentation was hand engraved by the engraver.

Paul Lantuch retired in 2005. Rob Bunting and Heidi Roos transitioned to Baron Engraving in 2008.

I am glad that I made my commission when I did. I ended up with a true factory engraved single action. If I had acted 10 months later I would have the same quality of workmanship, done by the same former factory engraver but would it have actually "factory engraved"?

Yes, since that the factory uses contract engravers like it did in the 1950's
Not quite the same as engraved at the factory by factory employees.

I have a Winchester Custom shop Winchester 9410 lever action which was completed in 2003. The factory sent me a letter on company letterhead signed by the custom shop manager, Leslee D. I consider this a factory gun also, but the work was done by Jim O'reilly a contract engraver also a Baron Engraving employee.
JCCVaquero":3m5e1lil said:
I am glad that I made my commission when I did. I ended up with a true factory engraved single action. If I had acted 10 months later I would have the same quality of workmanship, done by the same former factory engraver but would it have actually "factory engraved"?

I suppose this all has to do with the thought of when you call the factory to tell them you want to have a gun engraved, whether they go ahead and take your order (factory commissioned) or give you the contact for Baron Technologies (after-factory customization). Yes, the work would end up being completed by the same people, but makes a big difference on whether it is factory commissioned or not. If factory commissioned, I would definitely want to have a letter from the factory confirming the work as factory.

JCCVaquero":3m5e1lil said:
Yes, since that the factory uses contract engravers like it did in the 1950's
Not quite the same as engraved at the factory by factory employees.

Actually, Ruger's engraver from the '50's, Charles Jerred, was also a contract engraver, and WBR made a point to tell him that he was not to be considered a factory employee. This being the case, Jerred's work for Ruger is considered factory because the company commissioned him to do the work.

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