Ruger 44mag Carbines

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Feb 1, 2006
Murfreesboro, TN USA
Got 2 Carbines in the shop today.

One is under serial number 5,000, no warning on barrel, and walnut stocked.

The other is in SN range 118-xxxx, and has the barrel label. The front receiver scope base holes have been plugged and the rifle reblued. The barrel base holes remain intact.

The 4,xxx rifle needs the stock refinished, but is otherwise fine, and the 118-xxx has had the stock cut and a recoil pad added.

Any guess as to value?
[The front receiver scope base holes have been plugged and the rifle reblued.]

FWIW, there are no "front receiver scope holes" on old model .44 Auto Carbines - just barrel hole prep and at the rear of the receiver.

What appears to be plugged holes at the front of the receiver are the other ends of the machine screws which hold the cartridge guide plate to the inside roof of the receiver.

Ok, I must be confused. The older (Serial Number 4,75x) is pictured at top with barrel hole screws, front receiver hole screws, and then rear receiver hole screws.

The newer (Serial Number 102-5708x) is pictured at bottom with barrel holes, plug billets (as seen in different color) in middle, and rear holes.


Also pictured is the poor hack job someone did to the newer (102-5708x)

Hi All the drilled and taped holes on your gun are corect the two other spots are correct also they hold an internal part from the inside and that is the way they finished them off the values on them is all over the place I have seen average ones from $ 400-600 nice ones more hacked up ones $275 and up

So aside from the obviously poor stock mod, the 4,7xx rifle would be worth more just as it's older, and does not have the "Ruger Warning" rollmarked anwhere on the rifle?
IM no expert but the stock mod just kills the value of that gun to me condition is everything if both guns were in the same condition the older one might be worth a little more to the right buyer in my opinion
I got in to the 4,7xx rifle last night, and it was DIRTY.

The sear spring is broken, and the rear sight is missing one of the elevation screws. Otherwise, it's in great shape.

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