Ruger 22 with grey stock----------

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Jul 24, 2005
Would someone tell me which model has the grey plastic type stock with "RUGER" embossed in the butt stock. Are they still manufactured? Thanks
i think the one you are refering to is what some call the boat paddle stock- and i am pretty sure they do not make them anymore- but you can find them for slae on ebay and gunbroker- i sold a couple myself a while back because i do not care for them-
What don't you like about them? Just because they are not wood? The appear to be bullet proof.
oh, i think they are bulletproof, i dont know if you could damage one - i just do not like the feel of them- i think just too light for me- but a lot of people do like them-
Like this?


The only part I don't totally understand, is GRAY. The All-Weather stocks for a 77/22 are of a more resilient material that turns gray with age, whereas the All-Weather stock for the 10/22 is of harder plastic, and I've not seen them turn gray with age.

Unique, but why? when there's God-made black walnut available?

I took mine afield once, and though it was super-lightweight, it sounded like I'd dragged a bag of child's toys into the woods every-flippin' time it contacted a twig or blade of grass. And I never found myself sitting in a ray of morning sunlight, turning it so as to discover new grain or depth of figuring...

They're out there on GB and of course on anti-Bill of Rights Ebay.
So, MADDOG 521...Many of us are here to learn, also. Have any of your questions been answered?

And, ruger66...I did not know about this all-gray stock. If it was never distributed, what's the story behind it?


I was curious about them. I have never owned one and what I've been reading I won't buy one. I didn't think about the noise they would make bustin' brush but it makes sense. Probably very durable but not practicial. Thanks for the comments.
MADDOG 521":3ku6moyx said:
I was curious about them. I have never owned one and what I've been reading I won't buy one. I didn't think about the noise they would make bustin' brush but it makes sense. Probably very durable but not practicial. Thanks for the comments.

As far as practical...For me, in a very wet State, these synthetic stocks are extremely practical. Everybody has their own experiences and opinions. :D


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