Sharp Shooter
I've heard the expression "not able to keep them on the paper." But at 100 yards the mini-30 I've being working with the past two mornings won't even "keep them" on the box the paper is taped to.
I've never seen such a beast. This gun won't shoot into an 18" circle at 100 yards, and that's with 2 different, 2.5 power Weaver scopes and 2 different people shooting it (my wife as well as myself) from a solid rest. I finally pulled the 2nd scope altogether and tried the factory peep sight. It was the same thing – a 2-foot, 5 shot group at 100 yards.
I'm pretty frustrated. The gun was my mom's and our grandson actually shot his first deer with it this year – although I see now our grandson was darn lucky to have hit the deer at all. Another weird thing is we took our grandson out before deer season and let him shoot that mini-30 at a paper plate at 50 yards. He hit the plate about 10 times out of 20 shots, and even his misses were close. And that's while sitting and just resting his elbows on his knees.
Something happened. I can't see any damage to the barrel or the muzzle of the gun, but there's something wrong with it. I don't consider myself an accuracy freak when it comes to hunting guns, but 2-foot groups at 100 yards are totally unacceptable.
I guess my question is if anyone thinks Ruger will fix the gun if I sent it back to them, or if you think I should just "unload" it? I won't sell it to an unsuspecting buyer. If I decide to sell it, I WILL tell the buyer it needs work. Also, I haven't counted them, but mom gave me at least 20 boxes of ammo along with the gun. I don't have another 7.62X39, and don't figure on getting one. So if I sell the gun, I'll include the left over ammo.
Oh yeah, one more thing – it's all PMC brand, 125-grain PSP ammo. Has anyone else experienced accuracy issues as bad as this with PMC 7.62X39 ammo? I'm kind of grasping at straws here. :?: :?:
I've never seen such a beast. This gun won't shoot into an 18" circle at 100 yards, and that's with 2 different, 2.5 power Weaver scopes and 2 different people shooting it (my wife as well as myself) from a solid rest. I finally pulled the 2nd scope altogether and tried the factory peep sight. It was the same thing – a 2-foot, 5 shot group at 100 yards.
I'm pretty frustrated. The gun was my mom's and our grandson actually shot his first deer with it this year – although I see now our grandson was darn lucky to have hit the deer at all. Another weird thing is we took our grandson out before deer season and let him shoot that mini-30 at a paper plate at 50 yards. He hit the plate about 10 times out of 20 shots, and even his misses were close. And that's while sitting and just resting his elbows on his knees.
Something happened. I can't see any damage to the barrel or the muzzle of the gun, but there's something wrong with it. I don't consider myself an accuracy freak when it comes to hunting guns, but 2-foot groups at 100 yards are totally unacceptable.
I guess my question is if anyone thinks Ruger will fix the gun if I sent it back to them, or if you think I should just "unload" it? I won't sell it to an unsuspecting buyer. If I decide to sell it, I WILL tell the buyer it needs work. Also, I haven't counted them, but mom gave me at least 20 boxes of ammo along with the gun. I don't have another 7.62X39, and don't figure on getting one. So if I sell the gun, I'll include the left over ammo.
Oh yeah, one more thing – it's all PMC brand, 125-grain PSP ammo. Has anyone else experienced accuracy issues as bad as this with PMC 7.62X39 ammo? I'm kind of grasping at straws here. :?: :?: