Restaurant Fees Fees Fees--The real reason

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You will be happy to know that your president is concerned with these fees and working hard to lighten the load on your wallet. Some will argue that this alone deserves his reinstallment as POTUS. Since i don't fly, eat out, do movies or concerts or stay in motels/hotels it does nothing for me. Maybe he should concentrate on inflation and energy costs.
In my area prices for restaurant services have increased a fairly large amount. I use a credit card at restaurants as I get cash back at the years end. I always tip using cash and at a minimum of 15% with decent service. I do not tip with a credit card as the businesses take their fee costs from the tipped the server receives less(if they even get it?). If any business charges a card fee or other fees they had better disclose it to me first or I will not pay it and of course will not return. And restaurants ARE in business to make a stupid could anyone be to make a statement to the contrary?
And restaurants ARE in business to make a stupid could anyone be to make a statement to the contrary?
Of course they are, unless you're uber liberal Denise Mickelsen, communication director with the Colorado Restaurant Association and Foundation.

She must have thought that was an enlightened statement of brilliance :rolleyes:
I/we haven't seen any at the local restaurants. On the road, we have a couple of diners we favor=no fees at them. We like Black Bear Diner in semi-large towns. Otherwise, fast food.
Several places the wife and I used to frequent have raised their prices---OK, I get that---but the second they try to sneak-in a fee or two, WE'RE DONE, and I tell them that, and you should hear the whining! They know me and they know I'm a steady customer, but I'll NOT be deceived about fees and other additions to my bill! If you have to raise prices, do so, but don't be sneaky about it!
I found this interesting. The gas company charges a delivery fee. The gas comes from a pipe connected to your house.

The oil company sends a truck to my house hooks up a hose and fills my tanks. They do not charge a delivery fee.
I believe that businesses charging these fees are slowly changing the customer's attitude to accept the added fees as a everyday part of doing business.

Remember several yeras ago when gasoline prices were so high and the delivery/shippers added on a gasoline charge to cover the cost of gas? Was only going to be "temporary" until the gas price dropped. I never saw this delivery charge dropped, but just became accepted.

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