Remington .22 sizing

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Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
I am new here and tried a search and found nothing. My problem is this. I have some Remington Wildcat .22 cal ammo and some Remington bulk ammo. The bulk has a hollow point copper coated bullet that measures .224 and feeds and works in both my Single Six and my Mark III Target. The Wildcat on the other hand measures .226 and will not work in my single six without a bit of pressure to insert them into the cylinder and does not always feed correctly in the Mark III. I was wondering if I have a bad batch of Wildcats or are all of them are 'over sized' Has anyone else seen or had this problem. Thanks in advance for the help
Welcome to the Forum!
I rarely use Remington, but I'm sure someone else will chime in soon. It's an interesting post though as I don't recall this subject here before.
That doesn't sound right at all! Are you sure the brand of those "Wildcat" rounds is Remington??? The only ones I've ever heard of were; Winchester Wildcat..... 8)
Welcome to the forum Mike.
As luck would have it, I happened to have a box of Winchester Wildcats sitting on the shelf behind me, therefore I was able to measure the diameter of a dozen of the bullets. They ran between .223" and .224", as near as I could tell.
So this isn't exactly a guess, but it's not much better. I think you got hold of some Winchester Wildcat .22 ammo with oversized bullets.
I didn't have any Remington .22 bulk ammo to measure, but I will say this - I've experienced better reliability in .22 semi-autos, particularly handguns, when using copper washed bullets rather than plain lead.
I had one lot of Winchester XPert bulks last year that were so oversize they wouldn't run in any of my autoloaders and it was even difficult to chamber them in DA revolvers. Ended up giving them to my kid to shoot in his bolt action.
Sharp Shooter":1polj64j said:
Welcome to the forum Mike.
As luck would have it, I happened to have a box of Winchester Wildcats sitting on the shelf behind me, therefore I was able to measure the diameter of a dozen of the bullets. They ran between .223" and .224", as near as I could tell.
So this isn't exactly a guess, but it's not much better. I think you got hold of some Winchester Wildcat .22 ammo with oversized bullets.
I didn't have any Remington .22 bulk ammo to measure, but I will say this - I've experienced better reliability in .22 semi-autos, particularly handguns, when using copper washed bullets rather than plain lead.

May be time for Paco Kelly's accurizer
Rem T-Bolt is considered to be the absolute bottom of the barrell as .22 ammo goes.
I have had the same problem with Remington Thunderbolt ammo. The bullets are oversized enough that they will not feed reliably in my Mk II Slab-Side (or anything else). When I get rid of those that I have left, I'll never buy any more. Winchester Wildcats are nothing to brag about either. They are on the "never buy" list also. Try the Thunderbolts in a bolt action rifle.
Good Luck
I have a large supply of Rem T-bolts and never have a problem with them in Ruger Mark I, III, 10/22, single-sixes, nor Marlin LA, Simi, bolt and Glenfield semi. They are the most accurate of the many tested in my 10/22. Just goes to show ya, there are few absolutes concerning guns & ammo combo.

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