Remington 141 Smokin' Wood!!

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Sep 3, 2006
Honeoye NY
This has got to be one of the best pieces of wood I have ever seen. Nice old Remington 141 in 35 Rem.

Not sure the wood is original to the gun but it sure looks nice. Not really my cup of tea but could not pass on the wood.




WOW!! :shock: :shock: You certainly don't see wood like that every day! It looks like the forearm matches up real good, too.

Not factory...... :shock: Not even for a 141D Peerless Grade

Please tell me that fine rifle doesn't have any extra holes on the other side of the receiver!
MAN...I love that walnut grain like that !!

The only thing I like better is if I had a rifle with a stock like that !!


Wow is right. That is one of the prettiest pieces of wood I have ever seen. I like the model 14 and 141-they are great old classic woods rifles. I have a 14 but it doesn't look like that!! TnTnTn
That's one NICE custom stock, for sure ! ! :shock: :shock:

What appears to be a metal refinish looks very well done also. :)

I've never seen ANY 141 with metal so well polished from the factory - sans the engraving on higher grade(s).

powder smoke":unw94dyo said:
Very Nice figured wood looks like burled Walnut to me, musta been an exceptionally large burl. Won't see that everyday, ps

Not actually burl wood. It's feather figured crotch wood. I happens where the trunk or two large limbs go into a "Y".

Beautiful gun by the way, I like that checkering pattern on the stock.
That's one first class tromebone shell shucker, you have there :D . What caliber is it in ? I have a .35 Remington in same model, but factory wood :(
tek4260":21yd0689 said:
Not factory...... :shock: Not even for a 141D Peerless Grade

Please tell me that fine rifle doesn't have any extra holes on the other side of the receiver!

I here ya. I think it has been redone all the way around. The polish job is better than even a peerless would be, at least from the few I have seen to compare it to.

Here is the other side. No Holes!!!

The TD screw is buggered a bit, too bad as it is not in keeping with the rest of the rifle

It is chambered in 35 Rem. I wish it was a 32 but that is just me.

May have the stock redone at some point and recheckered with a pattern that would be more PC with the rifle. Not in any hurry though. May have to take it out this year see if I can get a deer with it. They just made rifles legal in my area next county over and I have land I can hunt there.
I wouldn't be able to let someone recut that stock! What if they messed it up??? I figure the stock alone makes that rifle worth 2-3x more than the same one with factory wood.

I had one a few years back in 35 that was as clean and nice as brand new, but it had a period sidemount with a Lyman Alaskan on it. Would still own it if it was not for that d@#n sidemount...
Ruger1nut":1vwjdoa7 said:
May have the stock redone at some point and recheckered with a pattern that would be more PC with the rifle.

I guess I must be the only dumbass here for saying I liked that checkering pattern. Just shows how much I know.
Cary that is why I am not in any hurry. I really like it the way it is but a simpler pattern would be more in keeping with the rifle.

I may never do it, who knows. For now it will stay as is

Ruger1nut":3r91yc2l said:
Cary that is why I am not in any hurry. I really like it the way it is but a simpler pattern would be more in keeping with the rifle.

I may never do it, who knows. For now it will stay as is


OK, I think I get it now. It's either keep your gun the way you like it or follow the masses and get it re done because they say that's how it should be.

I guess it's the "collector" thing kicking in. Remember, I have nothing against collectors, I've said before that if I had the money I would be a collector myself.
Beautiful wood! Really beautiful. Gorgeous rifle just the way it is. I'm with Cary, I like the checkering, it befits the quality of the wood.

Those old Remington pumps are very underappreciated by the shooting masses. They don't come off target when working the action like a lever gun does.

I always thought it really neat that Remington attaches a brass cartridge head into the side of the frame. First class all the way.
That does it.......I ain't even gonna show a picture of my 141 after that!!!

That has got to be the single most beautiful trombone action I have ever seen. Great score!!!
(and FWIW, I like the checkering too :wink: )