Reloader work area

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Nov 8, 2009
NC a bench with a hard wood top on the way that I can mount the reloader down to. So here is my question?????? Is a person's garage a good area to do reloading?

The garage is of course insulated but can get cold since there is not a heat source and sometime warm in the spring/summer.

I don't have a workshop and no intentions of one. I don't want to keep powder in the main part of the house.

How many of you reload in your garage I guess is my asking point?????
This is the back of my garage...No heat,but I use a electric space heater as needed. Your not alone reloading in the garage :D
No picture my my garage reloading bench has (left to right) a drill press, a MEC 600, an RCBS single stage, a Dillion 550, and a Dillon SDB mounted on it..... :roll:

I have two other presses lacking benchtop space, a Hornady 20 ga press and a lee, that I've stored "somwhere" in the garage.

Sweet. I will get a cover to house the press under to keep dirt and dust from contaminating it of course.

That answers my question! Thanks guys. BTW SBH..............that is one sweet setup! OJC.......have enough presses???? :)
NCMountains":34cjfqhb said:
Sweet. I will get a cover to house the press under to keep dirt and dust from contaminating it of course.

That answers my question! Thanks guys. BTW SBH..............that is one sweet setup! OJC.......have enough presses???? :)
12 and 20ga on the other side 8x14 Room plus a freezer and gun safe.
I cover my presses with kitchen trash bags" :D
NCMountains":kb17bxux said:
... OJC.......have enough presses???? :)

:lol: I've been reloading since the mid 1950s when a trap and skeet shooting pal of my Dad's started paying me to reload his shotshells... so I've collected some gear over the years.... :roll:

Do cover your press(es) though. I went tp the local "MilSurp" and bought "Himalayan Marine Corps UDT and Cajun Fried Shusi Team" laundry bags for about a $1 each. The work beautifully as press covers.


Pillow cases will work as well, but trust me, you do NOT want to have to deal witth the Missus after having mis-appropriated one and "pressed it into service".
Advice well taken! :lol:

Old Judge Creek":36p0uuj5 said:
NCMountains":36p0uuj5 said:
... OJC.......have enough presses???? :)

:lol: I've been reloading since the mid 1950s when a friend of my trap and skeet shooting pal of Dad's started paying me to reload his shotshells... so I've collected some gear over the years.... :roll:

Do cover your press(es) though. I went tp the local "MilSurp" and bought "Himalayan Marine Corps UDT and Cajun Fried Shusi Team" laundry bags for about a $1 each. The work beautifully as press covers.


Pillow cases will work as well, but trust me, you do NOT want to have to deal witth the Missus after having mis-appropriated one and "pressed it into service".
Was thinking the same thing actually.

SBH4628":3qphc3nk said:
NCMountains":3qphc3nk said:
Sweet. I will get a cover to house the press under to keep dirt and dust from contaminating it of course.

That answers my question! Thanks guys. BTW SBH..............that is one sweet setup! OJC.......have enough presses???? :)
12 and 20ga on the other side 8x14 Room plus a freezer and gun safe.
I cover my presses with kitchen trash bags" :D
The kitchen bags have a vanilla smell to them also...Nice added touch for a Man room :lol: :D
I second having press covers on your machines.
As for using a garage,,, for a reloading workspace. I prefer to keep all my stuff in a room in the house. keeping a better control on the temps year around. That & the humidity levels,,,!
I do store my powder & primers in a burnable, wooden box as specified by SAAMI many years ago. If you don't store the stuff in anything that allows pressure to build,, and you were to have a fire,, it would just burn up,, NOT explode. And here in the mountains,, we get enough humidity to where it can be an issue of rust,,, on steel items like dies, presses, etc!
Just some things to think about!
Reloaded in my garage before. No troubles. Also reloaded in a dorm room when in college. Use to target practice there also with the speer plastic cases/bullets when bad weather of bored. I then built a great portable bench and load in my home now. I can move the bench from room to room if I want. I have since had to build 8 of them for friends etc.
All my reload stuff is in my office in the house. I call it an office but it is more like a work shop with carpet and a computer.
gmaske":2bpbkk4d said:
All my reload stuff is in my office in the house. I call it an office but it is more like a work shop with carpet and a computer.
You poor thing :D Just kidding. In the house my wife would have a fit.Thats OK my reloading room is peaceful with a lock :D
SBH4628":1djql3s4 said:
gmaske":1djql3s4 said:
All my reload stuff is in my office in the house. I call it an office but it is more like a work shop with carpet and a computer.
You poor thing :D Just kidding. In the house my wife would have a fit.Thats OK my reloading room is peaceful with a lock :D

Well the story goes like this: We met in High School back in the early 70's and the first time she got to see my bedroom on the second floor I had a V8 engine in parts in my room.....She ain't broke me yet! She did learn from my mother......Just close the door and pretend it ain't there! :shock: :wink:

Did I ever tell you guys about the time I used the dishwasher to clean the engine case halves for a 1600cc VW? Works Great although the dishs were a bit spotty for awhile. I don't think my wife quit understood the genius of it all.........95 in third gear! That was enough for that car. I really didn't want to find out what fourth would do.
SBH4628":30jcqkl1 said:
This is the back of my garage...No heat,but I use a electric space heater as needed. Your not alone reloading in the garage :D

I reload in the garage when it is not too hot or too cold (yeah right). I keep all my bullets and reloading tools etc. in the garage also but I keep all my powder and primers and loaded ammo in the house under climate control. :D

Jimbo357mag":maigm640 said:
I reload in the garage when it is not too hot or too cold (yeah right). I keep all my bullets and reloading tools etc. in the garage also but I keep all my powder and primers and loaded ammo in the house under climate control. :D


This is the way I do it, too. Just a reminder, since rust has already been mentioned. Most reloading tools are "in the white", meaning there is no finish on them, they are bare steel. With the temp variations possible in a garage, rust can become a BIG PROBLEM if you are not careful! Make sure that you keep some kind of rust preventative on the bare steel tools when not in use or you can have BIG PROBLEMS! When not using it, I keep a coat of BreakFree on the bare steel parts on my presses and dies and have not had any trouble with rust. Just remember to wipe the rust preventative off before using the press/tools to avoid contaminating the primers.

I have never lived in an area that had high humidity. Have any of you that do live in areas of high humidity experienced any changes in the characteristics of your gun powder due to changes in moisture content of the powder?
I do all my loading in a small workshop in my garage it's not climate controlled but walls and ceiling are insulated. Down here moisture is a bit of a problem but a light coat of CLP once in a while keeps the rust away.

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