"You can have your cake nd eat it too, just buy an extra stock and install it for field use."
^^^I second this advice^^^
Nothing and I mean NOTHING will protect the wood from the inevitable bumps/dents/dings resulting from actual use. Since it's a simple 2 minute operation to swap stocks on the 10-22 and take-off birch or tupperware stocks are cheap, no real disadvantage to this strategy. If you're REALLY going to use the rifle, the tupperware is even better since it offers much better gripping areas.
My primary 'using' 10/22 (not so much in use but always available) rides in the 'SkyRack' of my UTV with a latex glove finger over the muzzle and a tight neoprene scope cover. Some metal parts are completely w/o finish and it's always covered in dust. Just blow the dust off with compressed air now and then with a complete teardown for cleaning when it begins to choke. Not the environment conducive to a nice wood stock but the tupperware stock looks as good as ever with only a dry cloth wipe down.