Redhawk Grips

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Ky Bob

Nov 13, 2009
Looking to swap out the stock grips for either Hogue or Pachmayer. Which would you go with?
The most important thing is to see if the spacing of the finger grooves fits your hand. I have both types on various revolvers in my collection and there is not much difference between the two. I like the Pach's only because they come off the gun so much easier when cleaning. You may also want to see if Pach's presentation grip would work. There are no finger grooves but I like to curl my little finger under the bottom of this grip and it works very good because I can shift the grip a little until it feels just right. I use this technique on the factory wood grips as well, and it is comfortable until magnum-strength loads are involved.
I have Houge wood on mine. I have the pach signiture on several other pistols and like them. I do not like the pach with finger grooves. I would like to try a set of the signature on my SRH in 454casull and plan to sometime when I can get a set.
I have shot my 5.5 inch 44 Magnum Redhawk for almost 20 years.
The wood factory grips are "junk". Hogue grips are smaller than Pachamyer. I like Pachamyer better than Hogue, even though neighter grip fits my hand.
Pacmayer Presentation. Have used them for over 20 years on three differant Redhawks. Would never use anything else.

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