Redhawk 357 Magnum ~ 6 shot

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I had a buddy with a nice gun store that made me a helluva price on a brand new 357RH.
Everyone wanted either a 41 or 44 and the 357 was not moving. What a mistake I made by not buying it 😡
My first 6-shot Redhawk in .357 took a LONG time to get to me.

A buddy & I were after the .44 mag Redhawks,, and the local pusher,, eerr gunshop called me saying he'd gotten in a pair of them. Bobby & I left & went to get a fix,, uhh buy them. As I was admiring the .44 the shop put out a .357 Redhawk,, and Bobby was closer & quicker to getting his hands on it. Apparently,, the shop had gotten in (4) Redhawks,,,, and had already promised one of the .357's to another customer. Bobby claimed the .357 as well as a .44. I just got a .44. On our way home,, I made him promise that if he ever went to sell it,, I had first dibs.
Many years passed,, and at one point,, Bobby wasn't sure of events in his life,, & brought the .357 to me and said to keep it until he knew what all was going to happen. It was still NIB.
He got better & I returned his .357 Redhawk.
Then,, several more years passed,, and he called me saying he was in need of cash,, and asked me if I wanted to buy the Redhawk. It was a no-brainer. Box, shipper,, & all.
It took a while,, but I finally got mine! Oh,, and I added a shooter one after that.
I inherited mine. Ie. my dad handed over his 5 1/2" SS to me as he doesn't shoot anymore. It was his trailer/fishing (on hip) revolver. Doesn't get out much in my house. Just a bit overkill for the peanut round :) . No box of course (can't shoot the box), just gun and holster.
Great video. I used to have enough land to walk out the back door and shoot. Nowadays I'm stuck going to an indoor range. Watching your video brought back a lot of very good memories. Thanks.
I had a 7.5" 357 Redhawk back around the mid eighties. One of my first revolvers. Great gun. It really liked stout 180gr XTP loads. But the weight! A shoulder rig was the only way I could carry it in the field. Played with it for a few years then sold it for more than I paid for it new. Probably should have kept it, but money was tight and the GP100 that replaced it filled my needs better at the time.
Happy with my three .41 mag Redhawk's, plenty of Speed/Security Sixes in .357.

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