Endurance run, 5000 rounds.
Gun is cleaned every thousand rounds. That includes three drops of oil on the hammer pivot pin, as the manual recommends.
I also run two wet patches down the bore & through the chambers, followed by a dry one. Swab the inside of the cylinder window including the breechface. Clean under the extractor star, drop of oil in the ejector shaft at both ends, drop of oil on the bolt (or cylinder latch, as Ruger calls it).
After the first two sessions, it's been 500-round sessions. Load & fire, load & fire. Natural breaks like opening another box, canteen break, granola bar break. Not deliberately letting anything cool down.
Running 500 rounds in roughly 60-70 minutes.
Accuracy tested with several different rounds before starting the 5000, same will be done again at the end if the gun holds up. Bulk of the test is straight into the ground. Rest will be exploring off-hand handling and performance on silhouettes at a couple distances.
Various measurements taken "before", same will be taken "after".