Ranch Rifle vs PC Carbine

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I own the Ruger PC Carbine and it is very accurate and reliable. uses common glock mags. and easy to get 9mm ammo.
I wont be getting rid of this one. BTW I am talking about the current 9mm pistol caliber carbine. not the older pc
Live in a restricted state so I cannot get an AR style of rifle. Thinking of a Ranch or PC rifle. Thoughts?
What is your intended purpose Plinking, Home Defense, Hunting and what? Pistol Caliber Carbines are great for most everything except maybe large game hunting. If you want 5.56 etc there are several neutered versions of the AR along with legal modifications like a bullet button or quick release rear pin.
maybe one of these
uses AR type mags , short barrel, open sights and DT for scope ,
right now it's only out in 300 blackout and 223 but more cals. to follow

here is one I found on Gunbroker , just so you can see it
FWIW, I've owned several Mini-14s and a bunch of pistol caliber carbines, including the current Ruger PC9. If I was going to be shooting mostly at short range (50 yards or less, at indoor ranges, outdoor pistol ranges, plus urban home defense) I would personally lean towards a Ruger PC9 - lots of fun, and cheap factory ammo everywhere. One caveat: because I reload, I might go with a Rossi 92 (or other lever action PC carbine) in .38/.357 instead! If I was going to shoot mostly at longer ranges (50 yards & up, at outdoor rifle ranges, plus rural home defense) I might be happier with a Mini-14 or Mini-30, keeping in mind that most of 'em are not tack drivers. A lot of folks have different priorities, so not wanting to pick a fight, and obviosly just my opinion & YMMV.
"What do you need your new long-arm to do?" should be what guides your choice....Just speaking for myself, I can't picture either of the presented options as being a suitable replacement for the AR you wanted.

Live in a restricted state so I cannot get an AR style of rifle. Thinking of a Ranch or PC rifle. Thoughts?
Share your pain. I'm in one of those as well. I have both. As been posted here depends on your intended use. Pros for me: I can shoot the PC at any indoor range and ammo is plentiful. It is also cheaper than for my 5.56 Ranch. Which would I rather have in a SHTF situation? The Ranch hands down.
What is the what for? Defending my castle, a PCC would be fine. Defending my ranch, a ranch rifle would probably be more effective.
Agreed and even with a suppressor, firing a rifle round in an enclosed space is going to be uncomfortable. Most folks don't understand the principles of a suppressor and get their experience from TV & movies.
While suppressed sub-sonic ammo from handgun or small rifle cartridges seems quiet in an open area, there's still sound--just not the normal harsh muzzle blast. A suppressed shot fired close to or toward a reflective surface such as a wall or other barrier will still be loud-just not as loud as an open muzzle. Even a .223 is 'big' when fired inside.
Several years ago, I was working on a nuisance animal removal project involving shooting muskrats on a Federal wetland. I shot from a raised levee with a thick treeline in the background to prevent ricochets from leaving the property. Using a suppressed 17HMR, the muzzle signature was insignificant BUT the sound reflected back from that treeline 300-400 yards away was noticeable. My 100 yard range has a treeline 100 yards beyond and we always hear the reflected sound when shooting suppressed.
Agreed and even with a suppressor, firing a rifle round in an enclosed space is going to be uncomfortable. Most folks don't understand the principles of a suppressor and get their experience from TV & movies.
While suppressed sub-sonic ammo from handgun or small rifle cartridges seems quiet in an open area, there's still sound--just not the normal harsh muzzle blast. A suppressed shot fired close to or toward a reflective surface such as a wall or other barrier will still be loud-just not as loud as an open muzzle. Even a .223 is 'big' when fired inside.
Several years ago, I was working on a nuisance animal removal project involving shooting muskrats on a Federal wetland. I shot from a raised levee with a thick treeline in the background to prevent ricochets from leaving the property. Using a suppressed 17HMR, the muzzle signature was insignificant BUT the sound reflected back from that treeline 300-400 yards away was noticeable. My 100 yard range has a treeline 100 yards beyond and we always hear the reflected sound when shooting suppressed.
Uncomfortable vs having a flash bang go off in your face.
Awful question. What are you doing with it? I got guns for every occasion. I for a ruger american for deer hunting, and PCC for around the yard.

How cheap it and fun it is to shoot, is bringing me into shooting 9mm. But this is such an unrelated question. Do you want a 308 or 9mm> What are you doing with it>

Bolt is a more reliable gun. I use it for hunting cause that is serious business. Some one breaks in the house pistol caliber is fine.
Unless I already had a Ruger pistol in 9mm, I would not buy a PC carbine. I wouldn't want a bare pistol magazine designed to be enclosed in a pistol grip hanging bare out the bottom of a rifle. If you don't have a pistol, go for the Mini-14 Ranch.
Unless I already had a Ruger pistol in 9mm, I would not buy a PC carbine. I wouldn't want a bare pistol magazine designed to be enclosed in a pistol grip hanging bare out the bottom of a rifle. If you don't have a pistol, go for the Mini-14 Ranch.
What? There is a mag well that secures it you know.....what's the difference of a shorter pistol mag inserted in a PCC mag well vs a rifle mag inserted in a Ranch Rifle especially if he gets 20 or 30 round mags for it? You aren't stuck with a flush stock mag unless his state restricts them.

I use Glock 30rd mags in my PCC no issues.
What? There is a mag well that secures it you know.....what's the difference of a shorter pistol mag inserted in a PCC mag well vs a rifle mag inserted in a Ranch Rifle especially if he gets 20 or 30 round mags for it? You aren't stuck with a flush stock mag unless his state restricts them.

I use Glock 30rd mags in my PCC no issues.
It looks weird hanging out. The magazine was designed for a pistol not a rifle. Does it work well? Certainly. But my opinion (an opinion not shared by all) is that it just doesn't look right. Would I buy one if I didn't already have a 9mm pistol? No

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