Question about my 10/22 International with Mannlicher style stock

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Might tear it down and start back at the V block and make sure everything is evenly tightened and looks straight. I ran into this once and it turned out to be the reciever itself wasn't concentric from the factory-not uncommon. Had a big gap down one side of a Hogue stock. Put it back in the carbine stock, the barrel band pulled it straight.
My groups were about 4 inches, hopefully it'll shoot better when I remove the front band. I might have to remove some wood in the barrel channel or even steam & straighten the stock (if it is warped)
Might tear it down and start back at the V block and make sure everything is evenly tightened and looks straight. I ran into this once and it turned out to be the reciever itself wasn't concentric from the factory-not uncommon. Had a big gap down one side of a Hogue stock. Put it back in the carbine stock, the barrel band pulled it straight.
Something else to check, thanks
Might tear it down and start back at the V block and make sure everything is evenly tightened and looks straight. I ran into this once and it turned out to be the reciever itself wasn't concentric from the factory-not uncommon. Had a big gap down one side of a Hogue stock. Put it back in the carbine stock, the barrel band pulled it straight.
I took the barreled action out of the stock an hour ago to check the V block, etc like you suggested & when I put a straightedge along the receiver I found there was a difference in the gap between the end of the barrel on one side compared to the other side of about .030". I thought it might be as you said the receiver wasn't concentric. then I remembered I have 2 other OEM barrels I'd replaced with a Kidd barrel & a Green Mtn barrel- 1 black & the other stainless. I installed the stainless barrel & now the front band slides right on with no effort at all. I'm not sure why but before I do anything else I'm going to shoot it like this & see what I get for results. I hope it warms up some so I can get to the range, it's been too cold lately, for me anyway.