Proposed New Caliber.

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Obviously 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 a lot of people say that about the 22.

FWIW, you started this thread with the words, "If Ruger really wants..." Ruger is a business, and what most businesses really want is to generate a profit. With profit in mind, "a lot of people" who want affordable .22s may be a better target market (even at a small profit per unit) than an auditorium full of collectors willing to pay four figures for a limited edition ".500 Flaming Unicorn Butt Ultra Magnum". My good friend Captain Obvious told me that is why Ruger produces lots and LOTS of .22s, and not very many .480s.

If you don't have the time to make the "hand cannon" you've proposed, and really think someone else should make it for you, you might do better contacting one of the smaller manufacturers (that isn't publicly traded), that might also be more familiar with teeny-tiny production runs of unique firearms for the wealthy collectors' market. The odds of Ruger doing that are probably pretty low - if they want to lose money, they can do it a lot easier by simply selling some of their .22s below cost (which would likely buy them a lot more happy repeat customers than an expensive 'niche' market 'ultra-magnum' revolver ;^).

But I've been wrong about a lot of things in life - maybe Ruger has been watching this forum, reading your posts, and is fixin' to roll out a new super magnum revolver and new super magnum cartridge at the next SHOT show!

As always IMHO, FWIW, YMMV, etc., etc...
Does anyone remember when the Super Redhawk was introduced??? It was exactly the gun I am describing. Back then the 44 magnum was King and S&W made the gun Dirty Harry used. After awhile like the 38 and 44 specials people wanted to push the envelope beyond what was currently available. Bill Ruger was putting S&W IN Their Place!!! By having cylinder longer than S&W it pushed the envelope beyond anything S&W could even try. He Saw their 44 and Raised them a 454&480. Shortly after you hardly ever saw a S&W at any of the Power Shooting Sports because they weren't in the same league with Ruger and others. The Super Redhawk allowed the development of the 454 Cassul among others. There was 44mag load data for Super Redhawks and Dan Wesson's and single shots only like the 45/70 Trapdoor loads vs Modern Marlin loads.
When Bill Ruger initially released the Super Redhawk he looked at S&W and said well aren't those cute. He absolutely Eclipsed everything else on the market except for a few Boutique guns like the Dan Wesson's which he was matching if not slightly exceeded.
If Bill Ruger was still there I couldn't imagine him not doing this. Soulless Beancounters have sucked the Soul out of the company kinda like Ford vs Ferrari. Sometimes you have to make a STATEMENT to the World.
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There's always a market for the Most Powerful anything!!! A few companies make 50bmg pistols!!!

Ruger can't sell their .480 Ruger revolvers, and ammo and brass are only sporadically available. What makes you think that a .45-70 revolver would be any more popular? BFR pretty well has the 'long frame' market covered. Ruger tried the gun of the month club back in the mid-late '80s, and that didn't work out very well for them. Stick to what sells, and add a few carefully researched (and desirable) offerings often enough to keep interest up, and stay away from the fads or one-ups. People that want the biggest and baddest are what the custom gunsmiths are for, IMHO.
Ruger can't sell their .480 Ruger revolvers, and ammo and brass are only sporadically available. What makes you think that a .45-70 revolver would be any more popular? BFR pretty well has the 'long frame' market covered. Ruger tried the gun of the month club back in the mid-late '80s, and that didn't work out very well for them. Stick to what sells, and add a few carefully researched (and desirable) offerings often enough to keep interest up, and stay away from the fads or one-ups. People that want the biggest and baddest are what the custom gunsmiths are for, IMHO.
The 480 was an also ran at best when introduced. It kinda matched the 454 Cassul and some of the hotter 44 mag loadings not to mention the Linebaughs!!! The cartridge I am talking about wouldn't be just another 45/70. It would only be a few thousands different and would probably be like the hottest of modern loads and CHAMBER The 460 AS ONE OF THE WIMP OPTIONS. I know that the average age here is 80ish but I know I would have been on this like a bad smell 30-40 years ago when I was playing in the power games. There will always be a Market for the biggest and fastest of anything. If nothing else it's a statement to the world just like Bill Ruger made multiple times in his life. It's like King of the Hill. You either are or you aren't. Glock is king of the Duty/Mid Carry market with dozens of Copycats. S&W is the King of the Power Wars currently with Taurus copying their every move with their Copycats. Ruger has floundered in Mediocrity for decades. Even now it's their Copycat Guns that are barely worthy of mention. I guess you all gave up on being anything more than Meh decades ago as well.
Ruger doesn't want to (and honestly just can't) compete against S&W or MRI in this big boy shoot out. They can't win it. The x frame is almost too big to realistically carry, and more power than the MRI guns just isn't legally possible.

I truly believe that Magnum Research will hold the most powerful revolver title forever.
There's no up side to building and selling the biggest caliber handgun in the world if the market for it is 10% the number of polymer LC-whatever's Ruger can sell.

On the other hand ~ if Ruger suddenly "flooded" the market with say, 50,000 new Redhawks or Super Redhawks; will they ALL sell? I for one think they WOULD unless of course they're in some obscure or new caliber that isn't readily available and even somewhat affordable.
One way Ruger is using to build guns we want is the distributor exclusives. It's how we finally saw the 480 and 454 in the Bisley. It's where the 3-3/4" belly guns are from. The 44sp flattop. The 41mag in stainless finally. And so on. They just need to make more of them and improve their quality control.
I believe if Ruger "wants to" it would be because there's a market for that product.
It won't be because of nostalgia or bravado or bragging rights or setting a new trend.
Money matters.
No market for it.
Doesn't someone market that 45/70 BFR, 5 shot? Who is that, IMI? Shouldn't Ruger focus on copying one legitimate firearms manufacturer at a time? Let them "boldly duplicate" everything Glock makes, first, then Ruger can "Proudly Introduce" the all new "Desert Eagle"…

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