Problem Chambering 44 Carbine

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Oct 5, 2009
Northeast Georgia
I have a Ruger 44 mag carbine which when firing, the shell in the tubular magazine goes up but does not chamber. The platform which raises the round up from the tubular magazine doesn't drop back down on it's own accord. I have to press it down and then the bolt will travel forward and the next round chamber.
This carbine is a 1967-8 model

Any suggestions.
Maybe I didn't properly explain.

After loading the carbine and chambering the round, the weapon fires, the round ejects and the next round from the tubular magazine goes up but not into the chamber. The lifting mechanism that sends the round up stays up and I have to manually push the platform back down and then the bolt will go forward taking the round into the chamber.

Now does anyone have any ideas?


Had the same problem with mine and the gunsmith found that several parts were badly worn. Ruger no longer stocks and offers parts for that model but my smith was Ruger-trained and still had some contacts there. He managed to get the carbine up and running again. Its a dandy in terms of accuracy at 100 yards.

Hope yours is a less comlicated fix.
