Most of my RCBS measrues were made back in the 60's when Fred Huntington owned the company and they are very accurate. I must say that people tend to worry about things that often do not amount to a hill of beans. Powder is not 100 percent uniform and even if you hand weigh out 10 charges and then chronograph them, none of them will usually be duplicates in velocity.
I can see a benchrest shooters wanting to eliminate all the variables, I have done it myself but the average guy shoots for fun or shoots for meat and minute of deer is all one really needs.
I remember when I first started handloading in the 60's and I weighed out by hand powder charges and then also used charges thrown by powder measures of various brands. There was no difference in accuracy that I could see with a sporter rifle that amounted to much of anything. Even hand weighed charges varied as much as charges thrown by powder measures when I chronographed loads. Course stick powder was the worst offender and ball powder the more forgiving but not by much. And course stick powder often gave as good as accuracy as ball powder which metered more uniformly.