Poll on SR556

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New SR556 poll

  • like it , will buy one

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  • like it , won't buy because of price

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  • don't like it

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Mar 15, 2005
With all the posts on this I think we need a poll. Ruger says they are listening but I wonder WHO are they listening to??

Praise it or rant away. I am curious to see the results.
Totally non-Ruger firearm. Why do they even bother?

There is nothing in their write ups that claims these are superior to any of the multiple manufactured AR-15's that are currently out there, and the 556 totally discredits the the Mini, which has been around for years.

Shame on them. And I am a stockholder.

A solution to a problem that does not exist. Not impressed at all, and disappointed. Well at least my gun budget will continue to grow.
I'm getting one for + - $1,700 from my local gunshop in a week or two. My reasoning is I was going to build a piston AR but the price would run alot higher than this SR556. AR15 $ + Adams Arms Piston Kit + Adams Arms Bolt carrier + Troy Quad rail + Troy BUIS would be alot more than than $1,700.
For a company that has a history of real innovation on the firearms industry, this is a huge disappointment. At least S&W has a history of cooperation, collaboration and copying. :wink:
One can only hope this is nothing more than growing pains for Ruger under it's new management.
I have to agree. I was badly disappointed.

I had really hoped it would have been something that was directed to hunters. I don't begrudge the shooters amongst us who are excited about this, but I was really hoping for something else.

As for the comment about just exactly who they are listening to, I can't agree more. I have a hard time believing that very many people mentioned a piston AR when they clicked on their icon on the website to let the CEO hear what we wanted.

Very, very, very disappointing. It seems Ruger is turning away from the hunters in our crew.

I understand your point Ken, and would like to point out that many people do hunt with an AR, albeit not usually in 5.56. But if your going say "platform redesigned", well than, redesign it! I missed the choices, anyone remember what else 'might have been?'
Was just hoping for something, maybe old school Ruger I guess, even though I can't say what that might have been. Shoot, I'm one of those guys who wants a 9mm SP in 3"bbl and while that would not have been "a platform redesigned" I would have bought one instantly. I know a lot of folks who had wishes for things in the Red Hawk line. I'm still a Ruger guy and will remain so, but this rifle won't do anything more for ME than my Minis. But I wish Ruger well but hope they don"t design themselves away from their loyal customers who for years took pride in their rock solid revolvers, or 10-22s etc. and always felt like they were the "working mans'"gun maker. And by the way of all the new guns I heard wished for, I never heard "AR-type" anything. This one is not for me, but maybe next time...

I guess I did come off sounding like I didn't think hunting with an AR was something that happens. I know lots of people do, heck I've got an AR that's ready to go out after coyotes/fox.

Apologies to all, but I guess I was just hoping for something different.

As to the choices. There wasn't a list. There's a place on the Ruger homepage where you can click and send the CEO what you think the company needs to produce. Still hard for me to imagine that they got that many requests for what they have brought out.

I do not want an AR, but, this design is the one I think I would buy if I did.
So the poll needs a distractor for that.
yawwwwwn.. rock river, dpms ect. have proven track records and any configuration you could want. i just dont see the point. yeah i know this is a gas piston but who cares.
I was really hoping for something more "Ruger," not yet another expensive AR clone. Although probably well built, I just can't get excited about it.
I wish Ruger would bring back the SP-101 in 22LR. That would have been a lot better than this outrage disguised as an AR.
I,m with you on the SP black1970, I would like .22lr too. I've always wanted to see Ruger make a bolt gun in .357 to go w/ my .44 mag Ruger bolt gun. Or maybe support the Minis more, w/ good mags and such. But a piston AR with a big price now? Go figure? For Rugers' sake I hope it dosen't have problems or a recall.
Probably a pretty nice gadget if you're into that sort of thing and have the money.

Order-of-magnitude improvement over existing examples? Probably not.

And in case anyone is uncertain about whom Ruger has been "listening to" in deciding to offer this particular rifle, all ya gotta do is watch the introductory video on the Ruger website. Apparently there's a HUGE market in the SWAT/operator field . . . or at least the "wannabe" SWAT/operator field. Probably the latter.

Watched the video, think you nailed it Ale-8(1). Those guys don.t look like the guys I shoot with at the club, we're just ole Ruger fans and I don't think there's a SWAT type among us. We just appreciate a good, reasonably priced solid shooter.
Love the design, just not enough to shell out 2k for it. I'll buy Mini if I get the itch for something in .223/5.56.

Ale-8(1)":3u6ydz9d said:
And in case anyone is uncertain about whom Ruger has been "listening to" in deciding to offer this particular rifle, all ya gotta do is watch the introductory video on the Ruger website. Apparently there's a HUGE market in the SWAT/operator field . . . or at least the "wannabe" SWAT/operator field. Probably the latter.

I smell a big, fat, government contract. :roll:
"I smell a big, fat, government contract."

Quite possible. Ruger ought to be able to crank these out in quantities that would reduce the per-each costs considerably, covering their development costs in one fell swoop. That would make the number they can sell "over the counter" pure gravy to the accounting department.

And just to clarify . . . I'd love to have one as a toy, for sure. Just cannot justify the price on my limited income. And I'm not even an "operator".
