Was just hoping for something, maybe old school Ruger I guess, even though I can't say what that might have been. Shoot, I'm one of those guys who wants a 9mm SP in 3"bbl and while that would not have been "a platform redesigned" I would have bought one instantly. I know a lot of folks who had wishes for things in the Red Hawk line. I'm still a Ruger guy and will remain so, but this rifle won't do anything more for ME than my Minis. But I wish Ruger well but hope they don"t design themselves away from their loyal customers who for years took pride in their rock solid revolvers, or 10-22s etc. and always felt like they were the "working mans'"gun maker. And by the way of all the new guns I heard wished for, I never heard "AR-type" anything. This one is not for me, but maybe next time...