Polishing a SS GP 100?

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Aug 11, 2008
Atlanta GA
Has anyone polished one to a high finish? Any advantages or disadvantages?

I've got a stainless GP 100 that I've been thinking of 'dressing up' a bit, and polishing is one of my thoughts.

Anyone have any pictures of one that they have done?
There's two ways to go on that. You can get a can of Mothers Mag polish and make it shiny very quickly and easily, but that won't remove the brush strokes / grain (at least without a ton of elbow grease).

To really get it to the high polish finish, use of a polishing wheel will make the job easier, and even that takes some time and work to get all the tight spots.

I picked up a cheap GP a few years back that had seen better days and it became a nice project gun. When I took the photo, I had spent more time on the barrel, so you can see the difference between using the polishing wheel on the barrel and only using Mothers Mag on the cylinder.

Early shot of the barrel before the polishing wheel:

Here is another thread:
http://www.rugerforum.com/phpBB/viewtop ... ight=gp100

Advantages? Well, it makes a fun project and if you like the look, an enjoyable gun to shoot.

Disadvantages? It could take a lot of work to get the results you want and it requires a little more effort to keep nice compared with the standard finish.