I have read a lot of the back & forth discussions about police conduct, mostly pointing out the bad. I have been friends with many LEO's throughout my life. My youngest is LEO. A good friend is a NCHP officer,, shot in the chest exactly 1 year ago yesterday, (No warning, no provocation, no previous bad interaction, he just stopped to do a broken down vehicle assist.)
A brother from another mother retired from a Federal LEO agency.
Over the years,, I've heard all kinds of stories of how badly they were treated by citizens. How they were attacked, abused, or whatever. Two days ago,, my son called me just to vent some of his frustration while doing his job.
And I too have witnessed police abusing their authority, doing illegal stuff, or other negative things. Inexcusable and should be prosecuted.
But a few things come to mind.
(1) LEO's are human. ALL of us make mistakes, and all of us have broken some law somewhere. They are no different.
(2) The current political, climate, as well as the public attitudes, combined with more & more citizens refusing to comply with LEO commands has created a much harsher AND dangerous environment for LEO's to do their job.
(3) Respect for laws, and those who try & enforce them has greatly diminished.
(4) Just like gun owners,, the FEW who do illegal or wrong things are demonized by the media & the public. (Remember,, the percentages of how many LEO's there are vs the bad ones,, just like the percentages of law abiding gun owners vs the criminal element.)
(5) Overall,,,, most LEO's try hard to do a good job, and try to treat people as good as they can,, even when the person is not cooperating.
(6) LEO's paint a target on themselves by just wearing a uniform. (See the number of officer ambushes,, where they have been killed while NOT answering a call or going to a false call & getting shot.)
(7) Many people, including many on this Forum could NOT do the job that LEO's are required to do.
(8) Glaringly missing from this thread is all the GOOD things LEO's do daily.
And lastly,, (9) I wonder how the world would be in just a few short weeks after ALL and I mean ALL LEO's in every dept, or agency completely quit. Think of the way the criminal element would run rampant, and while many of us here may well be capable of self protection,, think of your loved ones who may NOT have the tools or means or ability to survive the violent actions of criminals. How many truly innocent people would die? We all have "sheeple" types in our families. They would become victims of rampant crime.
This is why I'm scared of the "Defund the police" movement.
Good cops are wonderful. The few who do bad,, need removal & prosecution. But we really need a complete return to respect for the law and those who enforce it. And it needs to come from the people, the media, and LEO's all at the same time.