Police shooting input...

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Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
"Murder by cop"? I say no, now possibly "Suicide by cop" is possible. Couple years ago a woman called because she was fighting with her boyfriend... when the police arrived he had left and she told them he was on foot and which direction and that he was carrying a gun... cops called for back up and three cars cornered the guy on a bridge and instructed him to drop the weapon and he proceeded to take one shot at the cops.... The cops hit him 32times before he hit the pavement.


Jul 18, 2022
Long Island
Maybe so but we don't get to make those kinds of decisions. The vaguely ambiguous command and the end result will be more than enough to open the door for a HUGE lawsuit and a civil prosecution.
If I'm on the job and get the call that some creep was threatening to kill numerous women and is armed and I'm responding and he sits there and under directions flinches the gun up I'm smokin him! I'll take my chances. Better judged by 12 then carried by 6. We'll see if them men are charged. I'm guessing this room temperature actor is very well known about town.


Jun 1, 2009
If this was a court of law and I had to make judgement only on that 16 sec. video it would be a murder by cop. I'm not building a case for myself, just expressing an opinion on what I saw. If my opinion upsets you to this degree you should read something else.
This is exactly the problem. If that is your take on this situation.. strap on a badge and go out and do the job. You know NOTHING about what real life is like. Hollywood movies are not real life, and yes your opinion upsets me.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
I'm still wondering how they got the video... but in this vain I've said it more than once....

Big head line in the paper... "Cop shoots unarmed suspect"..... my first question is when did they discover the person was unarmed.....
I'm not an LEO but if I was I would presume everyone is armed..... and even though I'm an old fat white man... I can still draw from concealed and put two in your chest in less than 2 seconds. This ain't bragging... I've taken a qualification test and proved it 5 times. And the point is I'm slow... young hood hopped up on crack can probably do it faster than you can even see it. Heck, Bruce Lee had to move slow in the movies he made.... the movie cameras could not film him at his normal fighting speed.


Mar 11, 2010
Shackle Island,Tennessee
Guys, everything you've been saying may be true, but all we have to go on is the video. All you arm chair heros are going on is second hand info at best. The camera and the cop are the eye witnesses in this. The camera doesn't lie !!!
Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
I'm still wondering how they got the video... but in this vain I've said it more than once....

Big head line in the paper... "Cop shoots unarmed suspect"..... my first question is when did they discover the person was unarmed.....
I'm not an LEO but if I was I would presume everyone is armed..... and even though I'm an old fat white man... I can still draw from concealed and put two in your chest in less than 2 seconds. This ain't bragging... I've taken a qualification test and proved it 5 times. And the point is I'm slow... young hood hopped up on crack can probably do it faster than you can even see it. Heck, Bruce Lee had to move slow in the movies he made.... the movie cameras could not film him at his normal fighting speed.
The video is doorbell cam that was collected as evidence. It was recently released for public view. This is typical after an investigation has been resolved and case closed.

Drawing on paper is great practice.....but drawing with your adrenaline at max level and the juices in your head creating a potent high anxiety cocktail changes the game in several aspects....
Guys, everything you've been saying may be true, but all we have to go on is the video. All you arm chair heros are going on is second hand info at best. The camera and the cop are the eye witnesses in this. The camera doesn't lie !!!
If you think that...do some research. Its all public...a little research will broaden your mind since your eyesight is already compromised if you are unable to draw an educated conclusion from viewing the video.....respectfully, hope you are never called for jury duty for a case like this.


Mar 11, 2010
Shackle Island,Tennessee
OK. Went to all the local and national news outlets to research what happened. All sources report what police said happened. I'll not resort to name calling or insults as some of you have done but I still say the video shows murder by cop. It's been fun. Back the Blue boys and good luck.
Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
OK. Went to all the local and national news outlets to research what happened. All sources report what police said happened. I'll not resort to name calling or insults as some of you have done but I still say the video shows murder by cop. It's been fun. Back the Blue boys and good luck.

Very entertaining reply.....what does that tell you when the media outlets actually support the police....not rocket science there.

Insults?.....apparently there was total respect in Post #4...the first insulting and ONLY vulgar post in this thread...lol

Have a great night bud....maybe get a hug or something.
Mar 25, 2024
NE Arizona
I am going to bare my soul here, I went from wanting to be a highway patrolman to hating the police to very much respecting the police.

I am very good friends with a few and would never, ever want their job in today's environment.

I worked with a guy who had to leave the Phoenix Police after working nights in South Phoenix. Never did a night go by with out him having to defend himself and/or others with his firearm. He just couldn't take it anymore.

A real good friend is a retired police officer who finished out his time in the domestic violence unit. He has been physically assaulted, shot at and handed a tennis ball that blew up in his hand. Often times the perp ends up back with his spouse/girl friend/parents which results in more calls.
What a life!

John in WYO

May 12, 2011
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
every time I see one of these videos where some person is being searched or arrested and one cop is frisking them and 2-4 more are standing back watching and all of a sudden the 'suspect' decides to turn and fight all I can think is... "Dude, in what universe do you think this is going to end well?" My basic nature is to question authority, I think there are problems in any police force... but I can honestly say on the occasions I have had to deal with a law enforcement person I show them respect and every time they have shown me the same... even when I was being arrested 46 years ago.
Mar 29, 2017
Unfortunately, in many places cops need to standby to prevent further violence directed at them. Their present to watch the back of the arresting officer. And of course, assist if needed. We started training around 2000 to have 1 officer interview and go hands on for an arrest and the other officers standby for possible attacks from others.
Some crooks know they can't win but fight anyway. When in jail they brag "it took 5 officers to take me down". It gets them pats on their back from other inmates or what they call street cred. Also remember those that you mention are not playing with a full deck due to drugs/alcohol/mental health problems. A reasonable thinking person knows they can't win and doesn't want to get hurt or worse. One guy I arrest many times always ran, but never fought me. I finally asked, why?. He said he felt I had to earn my money and catch him.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Sadly it is not just cops.. I'm retaking a CPR class tomorrow and the last time I took it the instructor who is an EMT was explaining how they have to back each other up in certain situations and houses... always keeping the front door open and one watching the family members as the other tries to help the person they were called for. There is no way I could have ever done the job of any of our first responders.... Police, EMTs or Firefighters.... these people are heroes to me.
Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
Unfortunately, in many places cops need to standby to prevent further violence directed at them. Their present to watch the back of the arresting officer. And of course, assist if needed. We started training around 2000 to have 1 officer interview and go hands on for an arrest and the other officers standby for possible attacks from others.
Some crooks know they can't win but fight anyway. When in jail they brag "it took 5 officers to take me down". It gets them pats on their back from other inmates or what they call street cred. Also remember those that you mention are not playing with a full deck due to drugs/alcohol/mental health problems. A reasonable thinking person knows they can't win and doesn't want to get hurt or worse. One guy I arrest many times always ran, but never fought me. I finally asked, why?. He said he felt I had to earn my money and catch him.

The calm ones would also keep you on edge. Calm until you get one cuff on and they explode. One cuffed hand swinging around was bad news and can definitely leave a mark...
Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
truth hurts doesn't it

Not at all...I certainly don't condone the behaviors/actions of few and won't label all the rest because of them.

Was that your intention? To hurt someone with your post?

The real question may be who hurt you to feel the way you do?

That should be enough troll feed for you today. Have a great night. LOL.

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