Please explain the different .17's

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May 19, 2006
The .17 HMR (Hornady Magnum Rimfire) is based on the .22 mag case. The .17 Mach 2 is based on the Long Rifle case. I have two guns in the HMR and it is a scorcher for gophers but expensive. I am now paying $12.99 for a box of 50. The Mach 2 is cheaper but more than .22 LR.

I did once try to shoot a Mach 2 in an HMR chamber and found out that the case heads are different sizes. The Mach 2 would not fire. These calibers are available in just about any gun that was already being sold as a .22 so there are many choices out there for long guns and hand guns.

At one time and maybe still so, all .17 HMR cartridges were being manufactured by CCI regardless of what label was on the box. I don't know if that is the case for the Mach 2.
The 17 mach 2 is actually based on the stinger case just slightly longer than a 22 lr. The 17 Hmr is a great round. I am glad I stock piled about 6000 rounds when it first came out. I did not pay more than 7 bucks a box and on average I got less than 5 bucks a box into it. The 17 mach 2 should of been introduced before the mag for it to become popular. That and someone needs to offer a semi chambered for it.
There is also a 17 Remington centerfire. Around 4000fps, good on vermin but fouls easily and quickly.
The mach 2 is the shorter round between the HMR and the mach 2 (the two 17 rounds in question) However, the 22 stinger ammo uses a slightly longer case than a standard 22 lr and that is what the poster is saying the Mach 2 is based off of. It is still shorter than the HMR....The HMR is devastating on jackrabbits. I've killed MANY with the HMR and the 20 grain XTP at ranges that would surprise you....
mike7mm08":2theka97 said:
The 17 mach 2 should of been introduced before the mag for it to become popular. That and someone needs to offer a semi chambered for it.

It's a shame that Ruger never put the Mach 2 in the 10/22. There are plenty of people that have done it aftermarket, but it tends to be a touchy build, getting the bolt weight, spring/recoil right. It's also critical to keep the chamber clean, from what I've been reading, lest you have an out-of-battery KB.

Thompson and Marlin both built semi's for 17M2, but I'm not sure if they still are. Magnum Research is still selling their M2 on the 10/22 platform.
The mach 2 was a cycling issue for manufacturers. They could not get things to run a 100 percent all the time. Some accepted that and produced them anyways. Ruger did not. Out of battery firing is possible in the mach 2 but is a much more likely problem with the HMR. I have a remington 597 I make certain the chamber is kept perfectly clean. I am not too worried about blowing up. If I do remington will give me a new gun unfortunately not another 17. It is such a nice gun I would hate to lose it. Remington knows there is a problem but not a big enough one for them to issue a recall.