Of course, you have to analyze what is best for you. None of us knows your position and finances exactly, so this is just an opinion, but given inflation and the fact that you'll collect $288,000 ($2,000 x 144 months) in that time to use and enjoy while you're still young enough to use it and enjoy it, I'd opt to take the $2,000 a month now. I'm not going to do the math for you, but you'd have to figure out how old you'd be when you hit the break-even point where you'd start making money over the $288,000 you could have already collected. Also, if you don't really need it now, that's $2,000 you could invest and possibly grow, so you could maybe move the break-even point out a few more years. Maybe consider family history too, and if your people live long, maybe wait, if they die fairly young, take it now. Lots to consider here.