PC4 magazine availability

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Nov 27, 2009
South Carolina
I recently purchased a new to me PC4 and am looking to add to the mags that came with it. So far I am having a hard time locating quality high capacity mags.

I have two 11 rounders that came with the carbine and I have a few 20 round ProMags. So far I have only tried one of the ProMags and the carbine did not like it at all. FTFeed on every attempt. It could be that the mags are new, so I'll fiddle with them a while to see if I can get them to work. (They work fine in my pistol, however.)

Any leads to purchase higher capacity mags that work?
Welcome. The PC4 is a great carbine and should give your great service.

The magazine solution is easy - buy original factory Ruger P-xx .40 magazines. They will be the gold standard and if you shop a little you can find them at good prices.
I searched around when I first got my PC4, and the only high capacity aftermarket magazines I could find were the ones made by ProMag. Other manufacturers make high caps in 9mm, but not 40.
You may be right that Ruger isn't making full capacity mags for the .40 pistols, though that would really surprise me.
Promags suck---don't waste your money.

Way back when the Ruger .40 mags were 11-rounders---then the ban came along and they got changed to 10 rounds----after the ban went away they never bothered to change them back.
Did Mec-Gar ever make .40 caliber magazines for the Ruger P series? Those were/are as good as factory (actually are factory in a few cases).
iI don't think mec-gar ever made any mags for the 40 s+w ,i tryed some pro-mag in my 40 carbine and they don't work well ,jams on first and last round , so i just use factory 10 an 11 rounders.
Mec-gar only lists 9mm mags. But, they do list 17 and 20 rounders for 9mm. Not a lick of help to the 40 Smiff shooter though.

If the OP, or anyone for that matter, ever found out how to make the ProMag 20 rounders work reliably, everyone would be appreciative. I am betting they need spring work. One of those things that nobody finds it important as mags aren't that expensive I bet.
A friend told me that the ProMags probably needed the lips adjusted and that likely the bullet was positioned different from the stock mags. I looked and sure enough the bullets were laying flatter on the promags. I have opened the lips some and the positioning is better, so now I have to try it out in the carbine.

One note, I figured out that the 9MM mags and the .40 are virtually the same, and Ruger told me they heard of people using 9's for 40, of course they qualiified there may be feed issues.

I tied swapping them in my pisotls and they worked, so I may buy a hicap MecGar and give it a whirl if the adjusted ProMags still don't work.
The .40s have an extra cutout in the lips.

I bought a .40 "noname" "10 round" Ruger mag off ebay back when.

When I got it I found that it held 11 rounds of .40 & would not feed in my P91 or PC4. I looked close & realized it was a 15 round 9mm. It works fine in the P85 & PC9.
8) I have a PC4 and was told that pc9 mags could be "adjusted" to use 40cal. I picked up two 20 rd. PC9 mags and opend the guides at the top with needle nose pliers untill a 40 set the same in the PC9 mag as it did in my factory PC4 mags. I now have two mags that hold and fire 18 rounds of 40cal. I suggest that a "adjustment" on the promag magazines may help them also and that the 30 round mags for PC9 may also be adjusted.
Among the better reasons for getting the PC9 instead of the PC4 are the dandy MecGar 20rd mags. Be interesting to see if the 9mm mags can reliably be modded to .40.
Our range officer has a PC4, so I'll pass this along to him.
I've read a few places of PC4s being modded to accept either Glock or XD mags, does anyone have any firsthand experience with this?
I've recently purchased a PC4, and like all of you, am shocked to see a lack of aftermarket mags.

I currently have a glock 22, and if there were a way to mod my pc4 to accept those mags, it'd save me a boatload of money.
I would not do it...

stick with factory mags and try a high capacity one every once and a while....

To be honest I carried 20 round mags around in and for my PC9 for two years and then one day realized I should really just carry the 15 round Ruger mags in it that also fit flush in my P95.
I just picked up a PD trade in PC4.....

With 12 mags......hehehehehehe.....

All 11 rounders.
blume357":3jvxv52u said:
Isn't there some kind of way to at least semi- permanently alter the mags so they will only hold 10?

To satisfy our masters, the ban-era 10 round mags were very permanently manufactured to be hard (essentially impossible) to change without totally remaking the mag. I don't mean to be talking down to ya', but take a look at how they've done it.
Now if you're talking about something like the 'permanently pinned' flashiders on 14.5" ARs (that can be 'unpinned' at some trouble), I'm not aware of any such mag mods.
Forty-anything does create limits on mag dimensions in guns that were originally meant to be 9mm.
The only good news for ban-state folk is the availability of pre-ban mags that are now not required in banless states.
