PC4 and other composite stocks

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Nov 27, 2009
South Carolina
Is there a recommended cleaning, restoring or general up keep for these stocks?

I realize they are made to take abuse , but just bought a used one and plan to at least clean it up real well.

What can be done to the barrell finish to remove scuff marks?

I have to admit I eyed the carb cleaner, but decided to go with Goo Gone, a citrus based cleaner. Scrubbed the stock down and it went sort of a milky color immediately. I think it was because the citrus was working on the assorted oils and grime. Scared the crap out of me!

If I do it again, I will just use soap and water.

I grabbed my 303 Aerospace protectant that I use on my car vinyl and it looks like new again. Whew.

NO rust on the barrel just scuffs in the black finish, might try the steel wool or even go with a little Flitz on a test spot.