Passed on Stainless

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Jun 3, 2009
St. Louis, MO
OK, based on the respomse to my previous post, I passed on the 10/22 stainless at Cabela's and instead opted for the 10/22 Tapco.
Since I'm on delay (long story) I can't pick it up until Friday so we have that long for you guys to weigh in and tell me I made a good choice - or tell me I should have my head examined.
Price isn't much of an issue: with my coupon and a Cabela's gift card that's been burning a hole in my wallet, my actual cash outlay will be about $50.00 plus taxes.
This is a gun I intend to case well and keep in the trunk of my car so I don't have to sneak it in and out of my "No Guns Allowed" apartment building - and also to always have it with me at the range or in case I have to get out of town quickly (SHTF).
So let's hear all the pros and cons you can think of before I make the final committment.
It's a pretty simple trade off. Ya bought what you wanted.

Both the stainless, and blued barrels still require a little maintenance, but the stainless barrel is more forgiving if you don't get to it right away.

Your blued barrel WILL rust in your trunk, but when you finally think it's too ugly to live with, you can buy a new-take-off barrel for 40 bucks, and you can start the process over, again.

The only two guns that I ever rusted, really bad, and it was my fault, were guns that spent nights in my pickup.

So lemme get this straight, the forum is now supposed to tell you if you made a good decision after you asked for opinions and made your decision.
Just trying to follow along. :?

Ok. I think you made a mistake and will soon cry.
I would have gotten stainless, but thats just me. If you got what you wanted and you used coupons, for 50 bucks you can't go wrong. Good luck with the new weapon and have fun shooting it.

I tried to keep a gun in my trunk one time for a while, and it didn't take long at all to start to rust up. It was my Kel-Tec P3AT I was trying to keep in a "tactical bag." No more trunk guns for me! (And the P3AT is all cleaned up)
tomiswho makes a good point... but don't panic... it probably depends on the car and a lot of other factors... years ago I had a chevy biscayne that I had to drill holes in the side wells of the trunk to stop them from filling up with water......

I would say to check the gun at least once a week for a while to make sure... and a light coat of oil is always a good idea... especially if you handle and shoot it when it's hot. sweat is just about the absolute worse thing you can leave on a gun... only thing worse is margaretta salt...but that's a different story.....

You made the choice, so be happy with it... keep in mind stainless steel barrels will rust too.
gatorhugger":2x833ysh said:
So lemme get this straight, the forum is now supposed to tell you if you made a good decision after you asked for opinions and made your decision.
Just trying to follow along. :?

Ok. I think you made a mistake and will soon cry.
Basically, I was hoping to hear pros and cons from others who have the Tapco stock.
Remember, I have until Friday to change my mind.
I'd stick with what you got... I like the Tapco stocks even though I don't have one.... I've been a fan of Butler Creek folders for a while but am leaning toward converting my 10/22s to something closer to the AR configuration.

Personally I'd get a good UTG 'covert' homeland security case for it and carry it in with me. And pardon my 'french' but screw the Apt. complex policy.

Here's a link to the cases: ... cPath=3_24
Lance0812":2sreqr5i said:
Basically, I was hoping to hear pros and cons from others who have the Tapco stock.
Remember, I have until Friday to change my mind.

Okay. Everything else being equal, and you're just comparing the TAPCO stock...I am a fan of collapsible stocks for the 10/22. Although I don't own a TAPCO version, I do own a SR22, which is similar in function and use.

Critics will say these stocks are a feeble attempt at turning a 10/22 into an AR. :roll: Get real. I did my thing, long ago, with military hardware, and I don't have a need to fill an AR desire with a 10/22. The need I need to fill, is a very handy-sized 10/22 with a very convenient, functional stock.

Good luck, and don't forget...You "could" buy a 10/22 stainless, and put it into a TAPCO stock, and have the best of both worlds.

Fortunately I never had a gun rusted, as I don't leave them in my cars or trucks, but I have gotten some nice rust on knives left in vehicles. If you have to do it I would check and lube it every week and use something like Break Free or Triflon with the Teflon protectant in it. Bunch of good lubes, but don't forget it for a couple months.
Actually the reason I'm coveting a TAPCO stock is to get a 10/22 as close to an AR as possible.... then again the next step will be to get and SR-22.... but that's out of my league right now.

As for Lance.... keep in mind the 'rule' about 10/22's just like lays potato chips.... you can't have just one.
Since I have the ATI Strikeforce stock for my mini-14, I think I've already fulfilled any mall ninja fantasies I may have had.
It's entirely possible that a blued 10/22 with synthetic stock would fill my needs quite well - but the dealer had none in stock.
Buying the 10/22 with the Tapco stock does not give me the options I'd have if I bought a basic rifle and later converted it - but it does save me about $50.00 over the cost of converting.
But now I'm wondering whether this is the right time to buy since at best I'll be able to get in only two or three range days before they close for the winter.
And another point: Last year (my first of being interested in aquiring guns) I was in the hospital for much of December. Does anyone know whether Cabela's runs any killer sales near Christmas?
Sounds like you've got cold feet. Just go buy it, as you'd planned. If you truly decide, later, you made the wrong choice, then you can plan for your "next" gun. This is the stuff, gun collections are made of.

Range closed? Don't know much about your neck of the woods, but is there not public land that you could just go out and shoot?

Good luck, and stop second-guessing yourself.

Moving is a chore and takes planning...

My first thought was the same, but in reality life is not that simple.

My solution was to ignore the rule and keep the rifle concealed when carrying it in and out... that's why I suggested the case I did. these things look more like a musical instrument case than a gun case and are made really well.

where's the mini-14 kept?
blume357":1tjva9gi said:
Moving is a chore and takes planning...

My first thought was the same, but in reality life is not that simple.

My solution was to ignore the rule and keep the rifle concealed when carrying it in and out... that's why I suggested the case I did. these things look more like a musical instrument case than a gun case and are made really well.

where's the mini-14 kept?
Funny you should ask.
I may have mentioned the luggage cart I use when carrying a heavy load to the range. It came in a wide flat box about four feet long.
With the ATI Strikeforce stock on my mini-14 and the stock folded, I can put the rifle into a Ruger 10/22 case and then fold over the top of the case - completely concealing it in the box.
Unfortunately, the 10/22 - even with the stock collapsed - is a bit longer but I may have to resort to that same method.

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