P944 camblock to P94 swinging link

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Dec 29, 2024
Bakersfield, CA
I know this is not possible with just a few parts swapped over, but is it possible to swap the swinging link parts to the camblock frame with a full parts swap and reversible changes to the frame?
I just won an entire P94 9mm parts kit (everything, but the frame) for $91, so I have all the parts that would be necessary if this is possible. I can sell the kit for more than I paid most likely, so it's not too big of a deal if this isn't possible.

If this works I plan to get a P944 swinging link barrel, recoil spring and slide to have a quick swap 9mm/40 sw.

Please if anyone has any info on this it would be appreciated before I start putting it together.
The slide stop location may be different. You say you have a complete parts kit for a swing link unit so why not just try to mount it to your camblock frame?
I would start by trying the slide empty (no barrel or guide rod) to start.

The camblock frame is different for sure but I am 99% sure Ruger made the camblock in 9 and 40. You may need to buy a different style parts kit.

I have several uppers I swap around etc but in reality, I just switch complete pistols if I want to change calibers.

I did a lot of tinkering on the P-guns back in the day. Some of my old post may be interesting if you can search them out. Good luck and do post back what you find.

Keep the P-guns alive!!
The slide stop location may be different. You say you have a complete parts kit for a swing link unit so why not just try to mount it to your camblock frame?
I would start by trying the slide empty (no barrel or guide rod) to start.

The camblock frame is different for sure but I am 99% sure Ruger made the camblock in 9 and 40. You may need to buy a different style parts kit.

I have several uppers I swap around etc but in reality, I just switch complete pistols if I want to change calibers.

I did a lot of tinkering on the P-guns back in the day. Some of my old post may be interesting if you can search them out. Good luck and do post back what you find.

Keep the P-guns alive!!
Thank you for responding. The P95 is a camblock 9, but the camblock looks slightly different in the diagrams and it has a 3.9 inch barrel like the P93. There's also the issue that the slide would have to match and it is too short as well. I was thinking i might be able to use a P944 camblock slide with a pinned in insert to work with the smaller and shorter barrel (and possibly slide comped like P365 spectre slide). I would have to use the P944 recoil spring assembly and I would probably need to cut some coils (i would use a spare spring for this). I might source a P95 barrel to see how it lines up to the P944 camblock/recoil spring assembly.

There are a number of posts that say the swinging link won't work with the camblock frame. I did put the swinging link slide and barrel on my camblock frame (without the recoil assembly) and I can see where the camblock meets the frame would have to be milled to allow the swinging link barrel to fit properly. It looks possible, but after seeing the level of modification required and how relatively inexpensive swinging link P944s are I have decided to source one rather than modifying my frame that may work for another swap project and shoots just fine as camblock 40. The only issue is that I'm in California, which means I have to find a private party seller here in California, which as far as I can tell there are none right now.

I wish it was easier to get the P guns here.
Why not just shoot 40 cal?

In my limited experience, if you want a different caliber just buy a different pistol. I do have pistols with extra slide assemblies etc but I never swap them. It seemed cool and exciting when I was tinkering but really not practical.

This pistol is in CA.
It's my favorite style.
Why not just shoot 40 cal?

In my limited experience, if you want a different caliber just buy a different pistol. I do have pistols with extra slide assemblies etc but I never swap them. It seemed cool and exciting when I was tinkering but really not practical.

This pistol is in CA.
It's my favorite style.
That frame would work, but I already have the 9 mm slide and barrel, so i would have to buy a 40 parts kit. Plus that's being sold by an auction company, meaning it wouldn't be a ppt and not legal for purchase by a California resident (unless the auction company could get the registered owner to do the sale). I'm going to inquire about it, though. Thank you for pointing that out. I have been keeping an eye on gun broker, but I had dismissed decocker models, but as long as it's da/sa it should be fine for my purposes as the decocker/safety difference is all in the slide.

I like 40 for self defense especially in California. I get 10 rounds in my standard 40 P series mag which is just as many as I'm allowed to have in 9mm.

The points of having a 9mm would be cost of ammo and more accurate follow up shots (due to less recoil). The points of having the same gun in different calibers is you don't have to learn the controls and feel of a new gun and it fits existing holsters. I really like the P series and like the idea of having multiple calibers in the P series. Had my gun been a swinging link the $90 parts kit I purchased would have given me another caliber to use for $90, which is way cheaper than purchasing another gun and doesn't require the background check and 10 day wait. Plus there's the ease of ordering online and having it shipped. I don't know how easy the other slide swaps you were referring to are, but pulling the slide from a P series takes 30 seconds or less. You could easily shoot both on the same range day. With this swap you are essentially shooting the other caliber as it was designed to be shot from the factory other than the ejector, which from what I've read is not an issue whatsoever. This would allow for a real apples to apples comparison in my ability to put rounds on target to see what I would be most effective with.

If I find a swinging link P94 or P944 I will have two P94s and I will probably keep the swinging link chambered in 9, so I will end up with another pistol for the other caliber.
Why not just shoot 40 cal?

In my limited experience, if you want a different caliber just buy a different pistol. I do have pistols with extra slide assemblies etc but I never swap them. It seemed cool and exciting when I was tinkering but really not practical.

This pistol is in CA.
It's my favorite style.
I see your responses a lot on here so I'm hoping you know the answer to my question. Good news: The auction house can facilitate the ppt for me. If I get this dc model will my safety model P94 slide (9mm parts kit buy) work on this frame, too? I have seen posts where people have both, but I don't know if that requires specifically having the decocker or safety frame. Probably going to try to get it anyway, but the interchangeability would be a bonus.
I'm not the expert here and so I'll really just keeping the question and thread at the top, but I'm pretty sure you can't do that.... but I will be happy to be wrong.
In regard to the original question of getting a swinging link slide to work on a camblock, you are correct, it won't work. It would require milling the part of the frame where the camblock contacts at a minimum, which is more modification than I am willing to consider.

At this point I've decided I should just get a swinging link P94 or P944. I already have a manual safety slide and barrel in 9mm, so ideally I would like to get a P944.

Although they are on gunbroker frequently enough, because I'm in California I have to find a ppt here in California. I wasn't originally considering decocker models, but Royalt pointed one out on gunbroker in California and the seller (an auction house) can facilitate a ppt. I am hoping it's just a slide swap to go from decocker to safety (both the gun for sale and my spare slide are 9mm da/sa models). There are threads on here that would seem to indicate that it does work. I am hoping that someone can confirm this.
I have had a couple safe models but my main tinkering has been with the DC units.
You can pull up the manuals on Ruger's website and compare parts lists and drawings.
My gut says it should work but I may be forgetting something simple.