P94 40 cal 12 round clips

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Sep 2, 2009
Hotternhell FL
I just bought a P944TH-10 and I was wondering if anyone knows where to buy 12 round clips online for it that work good. I've seen some 20 round clips from Promag but I want a clip that is flush with the gun. I did see an 11 round mag for sale but wasn't sure if it really was an 11 rd mag or if the seller just meant it was a 10+1 rd mag since the P944 holds 10+1 anyway.
Thanks for any tips on where I could find a 12 rd mag! If they actually exist... :?:
I have not seen a 12 round mag. I do have an 11 round mag that I bought from a guy on a local forum here. The 11 round mags are pre ban P-91 mags if I'm not mistaken. The P-91 mags will work in a P-944(.40 cal P-94).
There was a member here that posted they had bought the MecGar 17 round 9mm mags for Ruger P-series & they worked well with their .40. I think he said it would hold 13 but I have never tried this so I cannot actually say if it would work or not. I think the members name was November-but I may be mistaken. A few months ago CDNN had some of the 11 rounders but I have no idea if they would now or not.
Thanks for the info. I'd be very interested to know if you could use a 17rd 9mm mag in the P94 40 cal. From the online manual they warn against using 9mm mags in the 40 cal so I am curious if you actually could.

As for the p91 mags working in the P94, I have seen a 12 rd 40 cal clip for sale online at the Gunclip Depot but it said it was for the P91/P93 so I wasn't sure if it would work with the P94 version. I had sent an email to them asking if it would work but they kind of skipped over the question and just said that they had 11 rd P94 clips for sale and didn't bother to tell me if the 12 rd P91/P93 clips would work with my P94 gun. I'd rather buy the 12 rd clip than an 11 rd since they are the same price. I was curious if you know how well Promag magazines work with the P94. I've heard various things about Promag when it comes to certain mags but wasn't sure how the 40 cal mags held up to using the factory Ruger mags. I wish I could find a factory Ruger mag that was 11 or 12 rds but I don't think Ruger makes them for some odd reason. :?
I have never used Promags but I have read many negative posts about them online. Maybe someone else who has had some experience with them will share.
I was talking to my FFL when I was filling out my forms for the P94 I'm buying and said that Promags weren't bad but you had to keep them clean. I guess I'll see how they work since I have bought two of them for $16 each which isn't bad since I've seen others for about $28-31 a piece.
I also just won a lot of 250 Winchester Ranger Talon 165 grain JHP's for $138 which includes the shipping :D Not too shabby in my book since stuff like that usually costs about $1 a round whereas I got it for 55 cents/rd. Gonna use 100 rds of it through the gun when I take it out to the range next weekend since I should have my gun by Friday afternoon. :p
I'll let you know how the promags do if they arrive by Friday too. This way I know it won't be the ammo causing jams and will have to be the mags if anything gets stuck.

Get JMHO...
2 subjects...

the concept of 9mm/40 cal mags interchanging.

Own both calibers in RUGERS.
They will work....to a point...
Short version... I tried this out, I chose to buy 9mm's for the 9, .40's for the .40.


Promag magazines...
I own ALOT of them.

AGAIN, JMHO,but......
Not nearly well built as RUGER factory mags.
Biggest complaint is the springs.

Less than half of them fed as well as Ruger factory mags.
They are fine for range practice, But my House guns...factory mags!
Ya, that's pretty much philosophy. I bought two 12 rd Promags but they will be more for the range than home use. I may even buy some of the 15 rd mags although I wish they were double stack and flush rather than an extra long clip that sticks out of the gun. Can't wait for Friday though! Been itching all weekend to go to the range but will wait until I get my new 40 cal. Plus I need to get my ammo that I ordered online. Can't wait to try that stuff out. Never shot the good stuff before. I always either shot normal winchester or remington FMJ. This Ranger JHP should be nice!
Ziggy-Others may have differing opinions but I usually just shoot enough of a particular brand of JHP to make sure it will run ok in my gun. How much enough is may be widely disagreed upon. For me it's a couple of magazines where some say 500 rounds. Then I use WWB-Blazer Brass or whatever is available fmj for the range & save the JHP's for defensive purposes. Of course from time to time I also shoot my defensive ammo & put fresh in. How often to do that is another topic that could take up a whole thread-Everyone has different opinions & practices based on their experiences.
Mike J":1jjet3i4 said:
Ziggy-Others may have differing opinions but I usually just shoot enough of a particular brand of JHP to make sure it will run ok in my gun. How much enough is may be widely disagreed upon. For me it's a couple of magazines where some say 500 rounds. Then I use WWB-Blazer Brass or whatever is available fmj for the range & save the JHP's for defensive purposes. Of course from time to time I also shoot my defensive ammo & put fresh in. How often to do that is another topic that could take up a whole thread-Everyone has different opinions & practices based on their experiences.

Ya, I'm only going to shoot 50 rds of the Win Ranger Talon 165 gr ammo I finally got in today. Just to get a feel for it as composed to the Win 165gr FMJ and the Federal 180gr FMJ that I have. Want to see if it is more accurate than the other stuff and if so then how much do I have to compensate compared to shooting the cheap stuff. Can't wait to go out to the range tomorrow! :D Slapped some hi temp grease on the rails tonight so it should shoot smoother than using just oil. 8)
Well I just got back from the range and was quite impressed with my P944 after putting 300 rds through her. Very accurate especially with the Federal 180 Grain FMJ's. I did have a bunch of stovepipes though which annoyed me but I guess I just need to break the gun in better or get used to it better. I first stovepiped with the real good ammo which was the Winchester Ranger Talon 165 gr which I was surprised about since my Glock never stovepiped ever even with cheap ammo. Then the WWB 165 gr FMJ stovepiped on me so I started thinking maybe the gun didn't like 165 gr since the Federal 180 FMJ didn't stovepipe on me yet, but then eventually I got a few stovepipes shooting the 180 gr.
Don't know if I may be limpwristing since the FTE's happened mainly when I was double tapping although I think at least one may have occurred when I wasn't. I had a solid grip on the gun as is normal and my Glock 9mm didn't stovepipe at all when I was rapid firing 3-4 shots at a time so I think I may either need to clean the gun better or just break it in further. My gunsmith who I bought it through cleaned it for me before I picked it up and I put a little Hi Temp grease on the rails before I shot so I doubt if it is a cleaning issue, although I was getting a little greasy from the rails today so maybe I put on a little too much.
Either way it was a good day of shooting and I hit very accurately with it despite the FTE issue. Just got to get it broke in I guess and then I'll be further in love with it since I do like it alot. 8)

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