P89 firing pin replacement

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Does anyone out there know the directions on how to replace a broken P89 firing pin? Mine is and I have a new one.
Bearcat, Welcome to the forum. Once you have field stripped the gun, flex the extractor out with a jeweler's screwdriver and lever it forward and out. Put the safety levers in the "off-safe" position and pry out the right lever with that same jeweler's screwdriver paded with a piece of tape to prevent marring. Keep your finger tip below the safety as it comes out to catch the plunger and spring. Turn the left safety lever down to the 6 o'clock position (just slightly past the on-safe position) and remove it toward the left. As the safety clears the slide, the firing pin will be released with force because of it's spring so "restrain it". Reassembly is in the reverse direction...........................Dick :wink:
Same question, but for a P95. I think I need to clean inside the firing pin channel b/c I am having issues with the firing pin not striking hard enough on the primer to fire. It is not a constant issue, but enough for concern considering it is my carry weapon.
For cleaning,, I'd just use carb or brake cleaner in a spray can to flush the area. A lot easier & quicker than a full disassembly.
Soaked it in Breakfree last night. Don't know when I will get to the range, but hope that cures my problems

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