P85 First Range Date

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Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
This morning I took the newly acquired P85 to the land of therapy AKA the range. I only had time for one box of rounds. That's fine as I was pressed for time a bit. I basically just wanted to ensure it functioned.
As I always do to familiarize myself with a new or used service type pistol I fired the old school Navy Watch Stander Qualification Course. Pretty Mickey Mouse stuff:
15 yds
30 rds
10 slow fire
10 timed fire
10 rapid fire

It's not the 80s anymore and I'm in no shape to run around firing SSET/SSEW course of fire. Lol

It functioned flawlessly. Me not so much. Had a high flyer and few low flyers.

As my eyes get older and my glasses thicker my head is cocked weird to see the front sight sharply. The P85 sights are a couple notches better than the 1911 USGI, but I still have an issue with front sight recovery on rapid fire. The M9 and 226 sights are much easier to pick up.

The remaining 20 rounds were sent down range at 25 yd steel plates. Did fine until the 6 inch plates. Those are getting hard for me with iron sights, shaky hands and tight back 😂

EDIT: PIc isnt going through :unsure:
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