Other new Item, OD Green??

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Jul 14, 2007
SR9 OD Green Gripframe seems to be one of the other new items today...

May grow on me, like a bad rash lol.

I do sorta like the LCP, but mainly because of the pricetag....$330.00 on Rugers MSRP. Wife may want one of those....

And it seems there is an NRA Mini 14 out too....just saw that

....with a 20 round mag model!!!
just saw that myself. I'll pass.

Wow, I had a 1911 that exact color when I was a kid. I can't remember what toy company made it, but it was pretty cool because it was an exact scale replica of a 1911A1 in plastic. I wish I still had it, so I could tell if it was as exact as I remember from when I was a kid.
Yea I'll pass on that one too. Black is fine with me. Wonder if they'll come out with an earth tone next?

Now it looks as though Ruger is offering something from everyones linup....a glock(esque) gun, now in ODG, SA XDs are like that and you can get them in earth tone too, same with some polymer Walthers (i think).

Anyone notice the serial no.?? 330-08204....wonder if this model will have the mag issues??

To me a pistol should be Blued.....I can see stainless steel for it's function but I just don't like flashy guns.......Next thing you know they will make them in pink for the ladies with a built in phone! :wink:
I do like the adjustable sights.....Something I wish Ruger would do more of.
Ruger seems to be announcing stuff like the SR9, LCP etc. But they're also quietly introducing stuff that doesn't have the marketing hype.

I've gotten into the habit of going to Ruger's website, selecting Firearms Search from the dropdown menu. Once there, select the New Models feature at the top and hit search.

Supprising whats out there.

its all called marketing, the more people you touch on their likes the more guns they sell ,all the other companies offer toutone from the XD's glocks , and most 1911 builders, wilsoncombat sure sells a whole lotta green guns , ??? JMO? :wink:
BlkHawk73":3o5uugah said:
just saw that myself. I'll pass.



I just can't get past the front and rear having two different thicknesses... I can tell that the high grip is best for handling, but then I would rather Ruger maid the front the same thickness.

This is how I would have made it... see how the line from front to back match better.
Now that I 'think' about it.... I still like the look of black over green... I just wonder how the gun will look in a few years with purple over green.... now that might be one ugly gun! Has anybody gotten around to asking Ruger if the SR9s top slide is going to turn purple like their other guns?