One of you Guys Deserves this!

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sure looks like a nice one.
thanks for letting us know about it!


A true American, just happen to live north of the forty ninth. "GOD BLESS AMERICA"
I am sorry , did i miss something ? What makes that a $812 gun? I would have quite at about half that and if i got it I would put 10,000 rounds through it.
I quietly emailed that auction link to the guy who was looking for a .32 Bisley in the Classifieds the other day so as not to draw too much attention to it.

I have to admit, I am a bit stunned about the final price but then it is very rare with the adjustable sights and fluted cylinder, model RB32A. I don't have my RENE reference handy here at work, but I believe there were only a couple hundred of that particular model produced.

I have one that is NIB w/shipper valued at $600 in my spreadsheet. Time to update THAT price point!
got e-mails from a couple of you guys on this one. i had been watching it, knew something strange was happening. with four days left on the auction, it was already at $555.00. mr. gravy, you cleared this up for me on another posting saying it was a rare one. i'm still looking for a bisley 32 but not an $800 one. thanks for the e-mails. dan
I would have thought it to be a mistake, except there is a Smith & Wesson Model 631 (Also in .32 Mag), that's uncomfortably close to the thousand dollar mark, with three days left in the auction.
Wow!! it went for $812!!! I have one exactly like it and it is my favorite plinker but $812. I wish Ruger would make one like it with a 4 5/8" barrel. Better yet I wish I had $2000 to burn on a Freedom Arms Model 97 32mag-32/20.....:> )
There are four major varieties of .32 Bisley Single Six.

RB32 is the base model (RB = Ruger Bisley, 32 is caliber) and then add "A" for Adjustable sights and/or "W" for roll-engraved cylinder (or Woll-engraved, I guess... don't ask me why Ruger chose "W" for that).

So the four flavors are:

RB32 = Fixed sights, fluted cyl.
RB32A = Adj. sights, fluted cyl.
RB32W = Fixed sights, rollmarked cyl.
RB32AW = Adj sights, rollmarked cyl.

Here they are, from left to right - RB32AW, RB32, RB32W, RB32A:


Of the four primary types, the RB32A and RB32W are the rarest.

There were also two types of RCA guns with stag grips, and some minor variations like "arrow" stamped guns (a forum member has one of those).

The same catalog scheme applies to the .22 caliber Bisley Single Sixes - there were models RB22, RB22A, RB22W, and RB22AW.

In the blue Bisley Blackhawks, all guns were adjustable sight, but the "W" was used the same way. There were RB35 & RB35W in .357 Mag, RB41 & RB41W in .41 Mag, RB44 & RB44W in .44 Mag, and RB45 & RB45W in .45 Colt. The rarity of the Bisley Blackhawks goes something like:

RB45 (rarest)
and then the other "W" guns were made in fairly high quantities.
Hello, great info on this from, I just got a RB32AW from my grandfathers astate, I can not find much info about it. It is in great shape. It has a engraved cylinder that say Bisley model. I found many RB32 for sale for around 300 to 400 buck.
Is the RB32AW worth more, we are thinking of selling some thing so grandma has some cash.

any info would be helpful
Not an expert on the .32's but I know they'd bring more than $300-400 so long as it's in good shape. I know I'd certainly be interested in one or more. Keep me in mind. ;)