OM SBH 4 5/8"??

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Jan 11, 2009
Sunny CA
Can't find anything in the reference, but is there any indication Ruger ever rolled a SBH off the line with a 4 5/8" barrel? Don't know much on it yet, other than it's a four digit gun. I'm thinking it's a custom job, but I haven't seen it yet...

Thanks in advance.
Chopped barrel. Ruger made a small run of 6-1/2" Supers but never any shorties.

A short barreled gun would need a taller front sight that anything offered by Ruger in those days........

Current production sights are available with nice tall blades.....


The sight Ruger installed for me on the above .44 was actually a wee bit TOO tall and I had to file it a bit....

It was pretty nice. The front site looked gigantic. Looked like it has been sitting for years... Sorry about the photo, I made due with what I had. Here she is:

Pic's don't have provenance unless they are "directly from Ruger".

Bottom Line: if Ruger sez short barrel then you have a prize!

It looks good :) but doubt almost 100 % not Ruger factory :) but still nice for a custom short barrel super--- work already done :!: depends if you want it for shooter or carry gun. Nice grips on gun, rather have it than a new Ruger :)
I like it. Very unique. Most assuredly someone cut the barrel back. I am willing to bet that it will shoot low though. As flatgate said: It would need a taller front sight otherwise it will probably shoot high.

I had to file this sight alot to get the poi UP due to the extra tall sight I put on it . I had the barrel cut to 5 1/2 inches.


Can't see the full tag, but I see $45 something. If it is in the $450 range, and it is a 4 digit, I would buy it in a heart beat.
Someone who likes 3-screws should buy it just to save it from going back to Ruger for the lawyer treatment. (smiley face goes here)

flatgate":1abyhczu said:
Pic's don't have provenance unless they are "directly from Ruger".

Bottom Line: if Ruger sez short barrel then you have a prize!


Oh no, I wasn't trying to claim it was factory by posting the pic. Just showing what it was. We're all sure it was a chop job. It's part of a bunch of different guns that came in as part of an estate and trying to confirm what it is.
boomslang":315s6n6t said:
Can't see the full tag, but I see $45 something. If it is in the $450 range, and it is a 4 digit, I would buy it in a heart beat.

It does have a tag that says $450. It's quite a few years old... :shock:

It came in with some others, most notably a two digit Colt Python... speaking of heartbeat- its price tag was around $250 if I remember correctly.