Older Mini 30 Scope Ring question

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Jun 29, 2006
Roy, Utah
Hello, I have one of the older Mini 30's, made in 1996 (I bought it new). The current rings on the gun are slightly oversized. The upper and lower sections of the rings come into full contact, so the scope is not really fully secured. The scope can slide slightly under recoil.

I was looking to buy some new rings that I hope have the correct gap. Does anyone know what ring Height Ruger used to include with the Mini 30. Was it medium or low? I understand now that it is the medium rings (based on the Ruger website).

I was also wondering, if Ruger has always used Medium rings, if the low rings would work? I use one of the Burris Compact 2-7x26 Scopes. The Specs from Burris webpage are - Objective End Diameter of 35mm, the Clear Objective Diameter (front glass) of 26mm, Ocular End Diameter of 35mm. I was thinking maybe the closer the scope to the stock, the better for cheek-stock contact.

Here is a Picture of the Scope under the current name
I'm not sure of the precise answer to your question but there may
be an alternative solution, in the Brownell's catalog you can find
one or more scope ring shims that can snug up and retain the scope
You might even try an O-ring or two, or just pieces of the same; crush them into the rings as you tighten things up and you should be good. The biggest recoil effect with the 30 is probably the bolt slamming momentum. Even that isn't all that sharp.

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