Older M77 trigger question

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Jul 28, 2006
St. Louis, MO
to my understanding the early M77's (not Mark II's) had an adjustable trigger. then at some point they tweaked the design a bit so that the adjustments were dificult to make by the owner or did not adjust nearly as much i'm not sure which. could anyone clarify what type of adjustments were on these triggers and the aproximate date they swithched them up a bit? or if i'm totaly got all this wrong please show me the light. i've seen lots of discussions on barrel makers for the M77 over the years but i can't find much trigger info.
How about if you try to explain a little better, exactly what it is you are asking and why?
leon670 said:
How about if you try to explain a little better, exactly what it is you are asking and why?
To my understanding the early model M77's had a fully adjustable trigger, then at sometime they (Ruger) fixed the adjustment screws or even placed some sort of locking nut on them? I'm trying to find out what year that they went from the fully adjustable triggers to the start of the lawyer proofing ones. That way if I run across an older M77 and I want one with the nicer trigger adjustments I'll be able to know based on the year of mfr. Not much different then how some folks want to know when Ruger went away fromo the Douglass barrels if that sort of thing is important to a guy.
After poking around some, it seems the first triggers had three adjustment screw and then the later ones had two but I don't know when that changed occurred.
I believe that Wilson made barrels for Ruger but not sure about Douglass. The Wilson Barrels were button rifled and some say that accuracy was hit or miss. I don't know anything about the early triggers as I started out with MK IIs. I never had any trouble tweaking the MK II trigger to my satisfaction with nothing more than a fine stone and a lighter return spring. I can't imagine that whether the early trigger had two or three adjustment screws could be of any real consequence to someone who knows how to do trigger work and if they don't, they should probably leave such work to those that do.
leon670 said:
I believe that Wilson made barrels for Ruger but not sure about Douglass. The Wilson Barrels were button rifled and some say that accuracy was hit or miss. I don't know anything about the early triggers as I started out with MK IIs. I never had any trouble tweaking the MK II trigger to my satisfaction with nothing more than a fine stone and a lighter return spring. I can't imagine that whether the early trigger had two or three adjustment screws could be of any real consequence to someone who knows how to do trigger work and if they don't, they should probably leave such work to those that do.
The point is that I'm trying to find out when the changed occurred. I know all about the Mark II triggers as I have worked several myself. The difference in the 3 screw type and the two screw type trigger on the early M77 is of very real consequence to someone who's wanting one. While I appreciate the reply if you don't know the answer or if you can't direct me to a known source then I would appreciate if you just sat back and observed.
I would guess that the screws included one to adjust pull weight via tension on the return spring and a second screw that locks it in place. The third screw was most likely to adjust for overtravel . Apparently, Ruger engineers felt that this was not needed. If what you say is true, about a two screw and a three screw version, I could find no record of it via an online search. Perhaps you should write Ruger.
I don't think the early triggers were really "fully adjustable". I believe the "third screw" you are refering to was for factory adjustments only and the adjustment for weight of pull was only to increase weight of pull from the factory setting. Here is a link to the manual if you haven't seen it already. It has some detailed diagrams and some explanation of the trigger adjustments.
BlackEagle said:
I don't think the early triggers were really "fully adjustable". I believe the "third screw" you are refering to was for factory adjustments only and the adjustment for weight of pull was only to increase weight of pull from the factory setting. Here is a link to the manual if you haven't seen it already. It has some detailed diagrams and some explanation of the trigger adjustments.
Thanks for the link, any idea of when they went from this set up to the two screw set up? I found a thread on another forum where they explain that the two screw set up actually had no adjustment on the one screw, it turned out that it was a cover screw that once removed allowed you access to the real adjustment screw.

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