Old model conversion

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Jul 22, 2009
Dunlap, TN
I have an old 3 screw balkhawk 357 I bought new as a teen and the front sight is worn bad from the holster as is the blueing. I was thinking of sending it back to Ruger for a new sight and possibly a blue job as I am not equiped for silver soldering or hot blueing. Of course they will do the "safety upgrade".
My question is... with the new system will loading be the same on the half cock notch, or will it load like the new models?
I have several new model supers and my biggest peeve with them is that the cylinder does not index for loading and I hate to spend almost the value of the gun for aftermarket parts to make it work right, I only load 5 anyway.

If your Ruger goes back to the factory and is converted, you'll have the same basic action as it always had. The only differences will be no safety notch on the hammer, a longer creepy possibly very heavy trigger pull.
You can, remove the original action before you send the gun to Ruger, then when it comes back simply replace it and it will be like it always was.

Personally I'd find me a gunsmith that is worthy of the name and have him fix the front sight. Bluing is to me just character marks. All guns get finish wear, it's just part of being used.

Personally, I'd skip the trip to Ruger and the subsequent "safety upgrade" and send the sixgun to a competent `smith. It can be completely refinished and the front sight blade can be milled off and replaced with a pinned blade in the shape of your choosing.
I sent a OM back to Ruger for some repairs, changes, and blueing. The process went okay and they sent the old parts back. I would not go that route again. The used a sorta heavy hand on the buffing wheel on the gun frame and left some marks that I would rather not have had. The blueing is a jet black like the new guns.
Hmmm, good advice, now to find a competant gunsmith to do something with the front sight. There only seems to be one guy local who is willing to work on it and I've heard some horror stories about him. Most around here only want to do fancy high-dollar custom rebiulds.
The finish I can live with, gives it some "charactor"actually.

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