Ok,cant locate info.

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aka rotten

Nov 22, 2009
Can someone provide me a link to find date of manufactor fo a few mk-2,s i want to look up?I keep gettin directed to Rugers homesite but dont seem to locate it on there either.Ok,i,m a dummy,Thanks
Welcome to the Forum!
Yes, Ruger does have it on their website, but unfortunately the folks who entered the data didn't use the actual records exactly. There are several errors. That said, we have a thing around here called the Red Eagle News Exchange (RENE) guide that has a pretty good factual referrence guide to the year of mfg. If you want to post the serial numbers, (or just part of them; example; 10-123XX) here, we can help. Lastly, you can call Ruger directly, ask for records, and ask the nice lady there, and she'll give you the month and year of shipment.
PS; you aren't a dummy, it's just not as easily found. Besides, you asked for help here and that proves you aren't a dummy!
Mr.Contender,The fist #s in ser # are 222-209xx.Also this[R.E.N.E.]guide you speak of,is there a printed version of this or a link i could use as reference as i try to get ahold of a ruger about once a month or so and over the years accumalated quite a few.Is it just for MK.series or all ruger pistols or revolvers?Thanks,Paul

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