Office Cat at Vet's Office

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Oh no! So sorry to hear this Kevin. It sounds like he enjoyed his last day. Possibly he had a premonition and wanted to leave you with happy memory.
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Truly sorry for your loss. They mean so much to us.
best friend.jpg
Thanks everyone for your kindness. Right now it's really sad for me to look at pictures of him.

But in a few months I'll try to post some nice pictures of him and Rainy.

Rainy is doing ok. She's trying to find her place without Blizzard. She is 6 1/2 years old, and has never spent even one night away from him.

I can tell when she is thinking about him and I try to distract her when that happens. Going on car rides and walks help a lot.
I thought it was going to be but nope
Glad he is still with you too. And Double is a great cat name.

We had to take our cat in about 6 years ago. His kidneys stopped working. But he always so mean.

I was so proud of him when he hissed at the vet one final time.

At the garden store they had a cement cat statue that looked so much like Nixon. Now he sits in the flower bed out front.
Glad he is still with you too. And Double is a great cat name.

We had to take our cat in about 6 years ago. His kidneys stopped working. But he always so mean.

I was so proud of him when he hissed at the vet one final time.

At the garden store they had a cement cat statue that looked so much like Nixon. Now he sits in the flower bed out front.

He is around 15 years old. Mainly a barn cat but he comes in the house to sleep each day and then goes out when he wants to kill something. He nearly died from renal failure 3 years ago but the vets brought him around and he had been fine since. He seemed listless and was not eating. Vet said it was a GI bug