Now that Ruger has popped their Glock Cherry can they find true significance???

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I have a few😉
10" 357 Max 2x Redfield scope
10" Octagon 25-35, a real doll, Weaver 4x scope
10" Octagon 357 Mag open sight
7-1/2" Octagon 44 Mag open sight
Looking to getting a 375 Win, might regret this one. Not a fan of longer bbls.
Longer barrels allow for slower powders to develop more speed with lower chamber pressures. For my Big Bore Revolvers I would have different powders for 6" and under, 6-8" and 8-12". Accuracy and Velocity are a dance with Twist Rates, different rifling cuts etc. Just like cam profiles and fuel ratios affect engine performance. It's all Science really. Mad Science at its best!!!
It is the perfect Mad Scientist platform. Anyone with access to a lathe can order custom blanks from custom barrel makers and with a simple turn and thread you can fit any barrel tube you want. I even developed my own forcing cone and crown designs using an old Betamax camera to evaluate cylinder gap and end of barrel turbulence. Why should anyone settle for being stuck with the factory barrel tuned for the least common denominator??? I did the extended barrel at least a decade before S&W performance center. It's the reason I didn't waste time with something like a Redhawk/Super. There's a reason they have an unlimited class. The only reason current manufacturers aren't making them switch barrels is so you have to buy more guns. As a Competitor I could choose what class I would shoot when I got there. Stock to Unlimited and I could set it up in minutes.
Hey mate,
What caliber is that Dan Wesson, 44, 41Mag?
Looks pretty impressive, I had a good friend with a 357 pistol pack. Fit and finish was first rate, beautiful gun.
It's the "44 Magnum" with the extra long cylinder. With the 16" barrel I was hurling 300gr fmj's 1,650fps. My go to IHMSA load out of the 10" barrel is 330gr going 1,400. I started ordering custom blanks because accuracy started dropping when I got past 1,200fps. People with lesser guns just had to settle for what the factory gave them🤣😂🤣😂 Silly Limited People.
Nice attempt at misdirection. You're still not addressing the questions regarding your stupid idea.

Laugh it up, you're a waste of time to engage with.

You'll be the first member of this forum worthy of clicking ignore. Over 5000 posts in less than 2 years :LOL: PATHETIC


Holy smokes! I don't know a single person from Alabama who is happy right now when typically this time of year they are bragging as usual and screaming ROLL TIDE anywhere and everywhere......

Must be because TIDE was ROLLED so many times this year.....PATHETIC? Yeah, that would be the great Crimson Tide and the SEC as a whole recently....

Sorry for the thread drift but heck when someone calls one out for a "crude" thread title and then signs off with "GFY"......well, you just know it was a disgruntled Bama fan!...... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Honestly a Super Redhawk in 45/70 or similar would be epic. Especially if it could shoot 460 S&W, 454 & 45lc as lightweight loads. Again this wouldn't require anything more than stretching their existing product and hopefully making it a switch barrel. Even if they need to create a 460S&W+ caliber to accomplish it!!!They are already using sleeved barrels so again no R&D necessary whatever. I bet Ruger could undercut everything remotely competitive with it unless they want Taurus to eat their lunch again. Imagine a Marlin lever gun and Super Redhawk Combo!!! Picatinny top of the frame to the end of the extended barrel support with quality Built in Irons like the S&W 22A would make it a total package. It could dominate IHMSA, Hunting and just being one of the Baddest Pistols ever made. If they would develop 3 different Semi Auto Modules and switch barrel revolvers Ruger could have a Custom Shop that would make S&W's look sad!!!
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I'm starting to think if it wasn't for Lipsey's. Talo, Davidson's and others, Ruger would be in trouble.
I don't think the (New?) Ruger cares much about the Ruger of old......what was "traditional" Ruger is now "specialty" Ruger offered in minimum quantity by distributors catering to the hungry traditionalists. First come first served.'s the what the coolest kids are wanting....a "new" line like never seen before....the RXM :rolleyes:

I want more big bore revolvers in various calibers with better availability. But I don't think that is profitable for them anymore. That generation is dying out of the market.

I've got plastics, and like them but my passion is big bore revolvers.
Being in my 80's I have owned and still do several Ruger firearms but have never felt any of the Ruger pistols are to my liking other than the 1911 version, a classic handgun. For the past few years my favorite handgun is the Glock 19X pistol and carry it almost always. I find no complaints about the Glock other than the trigger, and had it replaced with their "performance trigger" and it is an improvement for me. Be it armed security guards, police, military, or civilians the Glock line of pistols is vast and known and utilized around the planet and that market is controlled by Glock and only a true fan of Ruger firearms would want to switch to the latest model being very similar to the Glock.
See several complaints about the grip angle on the Glocks and reminds me of some at the local trap/skeet club shooters insist that they need to completely replace the factory butt stock to suit them and would make them more comfortable/accurate to shoot. In reality what they need to do is shoot more, practice if you will, and their scores will improve with such effort. Same with a handgun or any other firearm.
Say they made full railed modules 2" longer than what's in the Max9. It could still be used for a Max9 size frame, be as long or longer than many Duty size modules currently on the market and still accommodate longer Hunting/Competition slides. 3 different sizes sharing common FCG components could accommodate everything from 380- 460 Rowland. Admittedly I would prefer a decent DA/SA action. Magpul could make Grip assemblies in Micro, Mid and Full sizes just like Glock does. This total Modularity would enable them to put out whatever is selling best while maintaining the ability to accommodate more specialized offerings. If they use a proprietary design they will have patent protection for years. Having a custom shop stocked with a handful of 9" barrels and slides that can be cut and threaded and offered in any number of configurations on short order could set Ruger up as a Dominant force for decades in every field. Carry, Competition and Hunting just by mixing and matching off the shelf parts.
The same with revolvers. With sleeved barrels and say a few available frame lengths they could turn out whatever is selling to full custom builds with basically off the shelf parts. Maybe consolidate FCG components as much as possible as well on any new models. Having pre assembled frames with barrel sleeves and tubes from 2-12"+ ready for assembly in minutes!!!
I remember when Ruger was like a household name among the shooting world. But they have become so stagnant. Hardly mentioned any more. The RXM, Rmx or whatever is getting some attention now, but will be soon lost in the sea of Glock Clones. Taurus use to be the Red headed step child but becoming the new King of Budget guns. Leadership does wonderful things. And Ruger appears to be on a ship guided by Uncle Joe. Charter Arms just introduced a new revolver in 9mm and 357 convertible. Shot show will even have more Clones. This would be a good time to write a book and catalog of Glock Clones.
As I mentioned before, I find it hard to believe Ruger does not have a 6 shot LCR light weight as Taurus. Taurus just upgraded their old line pistol the G2 to a GX2 and a true upgrade. and can buy a Pre-order now for $229 with 2 13 round magazines. . And already getting great reviews. A way for All Americans to own protection.

Sturm Ruger stock hits 52-week low at $34.14 amid market challenges

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Being in my 80's I have owned and still do several Ruger firearms but have never felt any of the Ruger pistols are to my liking other than the 1911 version, a classic handgun. For the past few years my favorite handgun is the Glock 19X pistol and carry it almost always. I find no complaints about the Glock other than the trigger, and had it replaced with their "performance trigger" and it is an improvement for me. Be it armed security guards, police, military, or civilians the Glock line of pistols is vast and known and utilized around the planet and that market is controlled by Glock and only a true fan of Ruger firearms would want to switch to the latest model being very similar to the Glock.
See several complaints about the grip angle on the Glocks and reminds me of some at the local trap/skeet club shooters insist that they need to completely replace the factory butt stock to suit them and would make them more comfortable/accurate to shoot. In reality what they need to do is shoot more, practice if you will, and their scores will improve with such effort. Same with a handgun or any other firearm.
My argument with this is the drastic differences in Stock/Grip fit ruin any muscle memory developed for anything else. I got rid of my only O/U shotgun because it didn't fit me like my semi's and pumps and I couldn't hit crap with it. If I dedicated the effort to become proficient with it I wouldn't be able to hit anything with every other shotgun I own. My wrists being fused at the angle that John Moses Browning intended means I would be shooting over your head at more than 15' with a Glock or similar in my hands. When I was competing I had 1 grip frame for 2 calibers and 6 classes Stock to Unlimited Major or Minor. Same with my Revolver being a Dan Wesson I could set it up for Stock to Unlimited. I would hardly touch another gun that wasn't of a similar configuration. If it fits it hits naturally and instinctively. If it doesn't fit you will be hunting for the sights etc to even hope to hit anything. I currently glue foam pads on my grips so my Handguns fit my hand. Why would I handicap myself with something that doesn't fit and would wreck my muscle memory for what actually works for me???
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Yet ANOTHER CLONE! You can see where the competition is going to have some very low prices for a good compact.


It's got the "hump"...not for me
For trap shooting I use my father's Winchester Model 12 Trap gun with an improved walnut stock on it and I say improved only that it is of high-grade walnut, purely a cosmetic change, configuration of the stock is a copy of the original wood on the gun. I shoot from the 16-yard line all the way back to our 27-yard line and rare that I ever drop more than a couple birds. Those shooters having gone with custom fitted stocks are not shooting any better today than they did previously. Now they claim that they need to change out the nature of their triggers and ship the gun off to a 'smith who works on their particular brand of guns. At the 16-yard line I have not noticed any improvement on their scores regardless of the alterations they have made. Shooting of any firearm is a perishable skill and if not practiced improvement is not going to take place. Spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on such changes to the firearm would be much better spent on ammunition and days at the range, JMO
Exactly money can't buy skill you have probably put more rounds through your Dad's shotgun than most people have ever fired. Muscle memory is what makes things handle naturally for us..
For trap shooting I use my father's Winchester Model 12 Trap gun with an improved walnut stock on it and I say improved only that it is of high-grade walnut, purely a cosmetic change, configuration of the stock is a copy of the original wood on the gun. I shoot from the 16-yard line all the way back to our 27-yard line and rare that I ever drop more than a couple birds. Those shooters having gone with custom fitted stocks are not shooting any better today than they did previously. Now they claim that they need to change out the nature of their triggers and ship the gun off to a 'smith who works on their particular brand of guns. At the 16-yard line I have not noticed any improvement on their scores regardless of the alterations they have made. Shooting of any firearm is a perishable skill and if not practiced improvement is not going to take place. Spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on such changes to the firearm would be much better spent on ammunition and days at the range, JMO
I would differ somewhat. I can pick up most any of MY guns and put the same loads in them after a decade or more and they perform just like they did the last time I fired them. Admittedly the sights on some are a lot harder to see these days.
I hate to see so many folks bashing Ruger, especially on THIS forum.
That being most all the manufacturers, Ruger is producing new guns, seems like every week.
That makes it hard to decide which one to buy and will it really last. Kind of like the first model year of a car or truck. I own several Rugers, a few S&W's, But NO glocks. I would own one of those UGLY critters if they were the only ones available! But that is just my opinion. I tend to like and purchase 'older' versions of current guns.
My LC9 is my most daily carry, and my SR9C is second when going to a larger city and it is colder weather. I like the larger capacity.
If I feel I REALLY need to be ultra prepared...then it's my Tisas 1911 with 8+1, five inch barrel and my rotating shoulder holster. For some reason, I like the feeling of that massive gun hanging under my arm. Especially when driving.
I did have ONE Ruger that I had an issue with. Bought my wife a Security .380 with the easy rack slide. Brand new in the box, from Cabela's.
Took her out to our shooting range, she loaded it up, and squeezed the a very loud CLICK! NO BANG! Ended up having to return it to Ruger and they replaced the slide and returned it to me in a very short time, just over a week. Great Service!
I have thousands of rounds through my other Rugers and had no issues.
I look at the 'pretty' guns like the $1000 Kimbers and a few others and think...what do they do that mine does not...and the answer is always...nothing at all!
I will stick to my Rugers, thank you very much!
I'm starting to think if it wasn't for Lipsey's. Talo, Davidson's and others, Ruger would be in trouble.
Or, if resources weren't spent on specialty items many can't get or afford maybe regular production items would be in stock at your local store again too.
.00001% return rate on the G2C. Guess that should have been the Taurus I bought. My G3C and GX4 have occasional issues, the GX4 went back to Taurus twice. They striker block was completely non-functional and would allow the striker to move without a trigger pull.

You get what you pay for but I don't think that return rate figure is right in above video. The G3C is fun to shoot but mine can jam, Taurus for range practice only the way I see it. If you want to carry, buy a better brand.

I'm hoping the RXM does some good for Ruger. I think the American Pistol should have just been a modernized SR, that might have kept Ruger more in the spotlight for 9mm. I'm also a big 10/22 fan, keep up the good work Ruger and weather the storm!
RXM report, as I stated I received 3 of them into inventory, I sold one yesterday morning, the customer did some brief testing. The firearm function 100%, he likes the reset and the pressure to activate the trigger. Accuracy was acceptable. He broke it down to clean, inspecting the barrel half way down the barrel there are intermittent grooves interrupting the lands, on the muzzle end ~3/8" below there appears pits on the lands. I inspected the other two examples in inventory, they have the same blemishes. I called Ruger, the lady promptly sent me shipping labels. My plan is to ship them tomorrow back to Prescott. As I write this it is January 1, 2025. HAPPY NEW YEAR! It already sucks.
I got the RXM Ruglocks back in about 10 days. Barrels replaced. Contender talked to Ruger at SHOT on the matter, seems the bores were oversized (but the one I sold with over size bore and the groove halfway down the bore was accurate at the distance fired. Customer retested, no complaints, he then bought a Holosun electronic dot sight from me. Perfectly satisfied. Ruger was right on top of the error.