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paul s

Jun 25, 2009
what all the fuss is about 3 screw Ruger SA's I bought a 3 screw 41 mag Blackhawk a few months ago in 41 mag. This was my first 3 screw and first 41 mag, after accumulating brass bullets dies etc. I gave the old Ruger a work out. I found the trigger much more controllable than a new moder BH and I shot the gun with a high level of accuracy for me :D Soo, I will be on the hunt for more 3 screws! Thanks for a great forum! Now I have to open presents! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Your New Model just needs an action job. Slick the internals and the New Models can be just as nice of action as the Old Models. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you too! And everyone else...
you got a guy in your back yard that can sell you some real nice 3 screws and flattops and anything else Ruger you want. Give flattop44 a call and he can hook you up. Glad you made the discover but that is just less I get to buy. HAHA
Well, now you know what we mean when we talk fondly about our OM's. BTW; Flattop44's is in west Tn. He's one of the best traders around for excellent OM Rugers.