not a ruger but

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May 14, 2005
I need help I bought a 1911 copy off a friend that thinks he is a gunsmith and so he took it apart and when he put it back together it doesn't function i got it cheap. when the slide is locked back and you release it the hammer falls. and when you try to cock the hammer back it wont cock so the problem is it wont cock or go in to battery no matter what.i put in a new sear and sear spring and it still wont work. now i am no gunsmith but I can usually get things put back together.can any one help?
lisa1lacy2":2efr4a8t said:
I need help I bought a 1911 copy off a friend that thinks he is a gunsmith and so he took it apart and when he put it back together it doesn't function i got it cheap. when the slide is locked back and you release it the hammer falls. and when you try to cock the hammer back it wont cock so the problem is it wont cock or go in to battery no matter what.i put in a new sear and sear spring and it still wont work. now i am no gunsmith but I can usually get things put back together.can any one help?

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