No. 1 firing pin issue

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May 31, 2009
Hey guys this is a weird one I will try to keep this quick and to the point.

I have a custom No.1 with a carbon fiber barrel and synthetic stock that I had built, shoots great no complaints. Two hunting seasons ago I had a light primer strike and a fail to fire (cost me an elk). During the off season I installed a heavy duty hammer spring that Wolf offers for the No. 1, fired great, dry firing sounded like a harder hammer drop and it even fired the rounds that had the light hammer strikes during hunting season. Fixed it right!?!? Well I was just on a late season shoulder elk hunt and it happened again! Light strike no fire. Indy fired it a couple times right after and the hammer seemed to be dropping much lighter, get this, when the rifle warmed up back to hard hammer drops. The common factor with the light strikes is a cold rifle, but why!?!? Any ideas guys? All I can come up with is some oil somewhere that gels up when cold or something, I don't see anything like that when I open her up though. Thank you in advance for any insight!



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Yes,, cold weather can & will affect a firearm with some types of oils or greases in the action area. I suspect that was the reason you had light strikes.

Clean to the point of it being dry inside the action. Use a light application of dry graphite for lube instead of any oils.
Plenty of clearance on the moving parts with the synthetic stock. I'm thinking of using a degreaser in where the firing pin is, difficult to get to on the falling block and then use some REM dry lube. I've taken the No. 1 action apart before many times but never tried to disassemble the block to get to firing pin

This is helpful actually:

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