Next at the Shot Show?...

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Aug 9, 2009
A question on a lot of Ruger fan's minds is "What will they present at this years Shot Show"?...I've read some think (or hope) it'll be a LCP chambered in 9mm...I kinda think it might be a tactical shotgun...but what are the chances they might put out a 1911?...When the SR556 came out, there were those who said they shouldn't have 'cause everybody else is doin' AR's....and I know there's a lot of 'em puttin' out 1911's too but I don't understand why Ruger hasn't done that yet...a tactical shotgun, a 1911, and until recently, the AR platform were the only preverbial "big guns" (no pun intended) seemingly missin' from Ruger's line up...
If Ruger DID do a 1911, they'd have to do it right. RIGHT would be a low to medium priced 1911 with FUNCTIONAL upgrades, which means not a lot of tacky cosmetic garbage like the Taurus PT1911 boasts, and above average accuracy out of the box that would satisfy semi-demanding shooters. It would have to be kind of a Springfield Armory Milspec 'copy' that was slightly accurized, with a price of about $600 MSRP, and $475-500 street price.

In other words, price and functional specs BETWEEN the Rock Island Armory entry level gun, and the SA Milspec, but accuracy equal to or slightly better than the Milspec.

If they could do that, they'd sell millions ... I'd probably even buy one LOL.

Knowing Ruger, and seeing what they did with the SR556 ($2000 MSRP ??? give me a break), they'll come out with a 1911 that's $1000 ... street price at $750, and they'll sell a few to people who will buy anything that says Ruger on it, but not to people in the marketplace in general. You can buy a Colt Gold Cup for around $900 brand new. Why buy a Ruger at $750 ? Of course this is all just speculation at this point, but if they DO come out with a 1911, I bet they don't do it the way I suggested. Wish they would, though.



On the first note, I doubt you can do a LCP in 9mm without seriously changing the design. Too much juice for that package IMO.

On the second note... a 1911..... Gee I hope not. Talk about a saturated market. The world needs another 1911 like it needs the Obama Presidency...... well I guess if you are a 3d world dictator maybe you do.... but I digress. The point is a lot of good companies already make the 1911 and we don't need any more companies making it. On top of that, it really isn't a very innovative design and I hope that Ruger is more forward thinking and focuses on new innovative designs instead of rehashing the past.
I'd be happy for them to simply say:

"Boys and girls, we have nothing new to offer this year. We're going to concentrate on our QC issues so you can once again be certain the Ruger you buy will work right out of the box as intended, just like years ago. And is Cholo in the crowd? There you are! You can rest assured that our SA's can no longer be used as your coffee cup holder where the grip frame meets the main frame, and the sights will actually be on top of the barrel, not on the right side."

Haha Cholo, a good message to the customers would be welcome indeed. I'd settle for that. I'd love to see a new SOLID Ruger come out, but I've got so many things on my plate that anything that wets my appetite won't be doing anything but requiring another drool bucket under my chin.

I ain't buying anything anytime soon and it'll be a little while. No big deal, I don't see the gun market tumbling into oblivion anytime soon and I ain't going no where in the coming years. I've got nothing but time. Give me some options and I'll do what I will.

Would like to see an SR40 so my dad would buy one, he really wants to see one and loves my SR9, he's just hankering for a XD is really itchin' his trigger finger lately.

piratedude":1pss11kw said:

On the first note, I doubt you can do a LCP in 9mm without seriously changing the design. Too much juice for that package IMO..........

I guess they could just steal Kel-Tec's design for the PF-9 like they did for the P3A-T. I like Ruger's products, that was just not a class act.

When the SR-9 was first released they hinted about a subcompact version to follow. I kinda think the problems they have had with the SR-9 may have delayed that. I wouldn't want to shoot 9mm out of a gun the size of a LCP. I don't think it would be a pleasant experience.
Subcompacts are generally built on the same frame as the original, but with a shortened barrel and grip. The only issue would probably be the lessened mass of the shorter slide (read more peening/battering).

I'd be willing to guess that the SR9 will be a stand-alone model much like the P345. I don't think Ruger will be building off of the SR9 platform very extensively. Especially if they can't even resolve the peening and breakage issues after almost 2 years of production. My guess is that the SR9 platform is DOA at this point.


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