With the smaller frame size,, I strongly recommend you NOT try any +P type of loads in a NEW Vaquero. They were built smaller & lighter for the SASS crowd,, and to handle "normal" 45 Colt loads.
I easily solved any problem of heavy 45 loads,,, I use a Blackhawk. (Actually I had a few Blackhawks before I got any Vaquero's.)
The NV's may handle 1-2 shots just fine,, and there are folks who'll say you can do it,, but I just prefer to not push the limits,, and run a risk of damage to a firearm,, or any possible injury to anyone.
Way back in my much younger (and dumber) days,, I loaded some 38 spl cases with heavy charges knowing they were well within the safe limits of my Blackhawy 357. Well, a few of us went to the creekbed to shoot,, and a buddy of mine was shooting my Blackhawk. I was playing with a S&W mod 27. I had my back to him,, and he commented about needing some ammo,,, and I motioned to a few boxes I had laid out. (INcluding the hot ones.) Next thing I saw knew was I heard a louder than normal kaboom a few times and turned around to see what was going on. He had his snubby S&W 38 spl in his hand,, and was using my HOT loads. 6 rounds ruined that S&W that day. We were lucky it didn't blow the cylinder apart but it stretched the frame leaving a gap between the side plate & main frame of almost 1/8". It welded 4 pieces of brass to the sides of the cylinder walls.
I have kept all my loads in proper brass & within the safe levels since.