New To Me Sec. Six

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The Preacher

Mar 24, 2002
South-Central PA
Just had to tell you folks that I came across a 95% + blued 357 Mag. Security Six 4" bbl. for $199.99 at of all places Gander Mt. Nothing fancy just a great solid revolver. Am I gloating? Yeah a bit. Don't even know what I'm gonna do with it but it's here and it's mine. Have had 3-4 over the years and each one managed to get away from me. Not this time in this day and age. As folks here always say "They're out there if you keep looking for them." One happy Ruger camper. :D

The Preacher
Sir, I know how you feel about Gander Mountain, however, I have had luck a couple of times in their store. A few months ago I bought a brand new, new model 41Mag Black Hawk from my favorite local gun shop at what I thought and still feel was a competitive price. Four weeks later I was in the local Gander Mountain and saw the twin to my 41Mag in the used gun section for about 125 less than what I had paid for my gun. I am into cowboy shooting and will normally purchase two of each single action out of habit and could not let this one get away, it was so very new that you could not even detect a cylinder ring. I have also learned that Gander Mountain will price match as I went in there a couple of weeks ago and told the manager that another store had a RCBS brass cleaner for a certain price, he gave me that price, plus another five bucks knocked off. I still do the majority of my shooting purchases at independent dealers and have told the Gander Mountain Manager that, however, Gander Mountain is not an alternative source that I once did not even consider.
Thats a better deal than I got at Turner Outdoorman for a fired once GP100 4 inch Stainless for $400.00. Just have to be patience. There are good deals on revolvers.

congrats i might end up letting one of mine go to a friends daughter who is working on becoming a state trooper but not that cheap
Well, if the truth be told I've lost more on horse trading rifles and revolvers over the years then I'll ever make up on the occasional find like this Security Six... Just nice to get ahead of the curve once in a while. :D

The Preacher
Great find !!!

I am keeping my eye open for a blued 4" Security or Service Six.

I drop in the Gander Mountain in Springfield on occassion but a lot of the pre-owned is pretty steep there.

Congratulations on the great bargain. Don't let anyone talk you out of that gem.
Gloat all you want. That was a terrific find. Congrats.
Hope you will post a picture.

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